Paulina Quintao – The majority of female workers in the private sector do not claim their full maternity leave entitlements due to a fear of losing out on wages, according to Alola Foundation advocacy program manager Maria Barreto.
Under the labor laws, workers are entitled to three months maternity leave. Barreto said survey results revealed most female workers take maternity leave for as few as four days to one month before returning to work. "The consequence for workers who take maternity leave is their salary is not received in full," Barreto said.
She said many employers speak negatively of mothers in the workforce and do not allow workers the flexibility to go home to breastfeed babies. Barreto said other concerns included the lack of security and hygienic facilities available in offices in which women work.
Secretary of State for the Promotion of Equality (SEPI) Idelta Maria Rodrigues said many female workers faced problems in the work force as they lacked knowledge of their rights under the labour laws and feared losing their jobs should they make a complaint.
She called on institutions to look into the problem. "We need to keep giving strength to women so they are aware of their rights, particularly in regard to maternity leave," SE Rodrigues said.
In response to this matter, Secretary of State for Vocational Training and Employment (SEPFOPE) Elidio da Costa Ximenes said awareness of the labor laws by both workers and employers needed to be improved. She said SEPFOPE will conduct rigorous inspection of workplaces to guarantee the implementation of labor law.