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Domestic workers paid less than minimum wage

Dili Weekly - August 29, 2013

aulina Quintao – The Secretary of State for Professional Training Policy and Employment (SEPFOPE) has set the minimum wage at $115 per month but employers continue to pay domestic workers whatever they want.

The Working Women Centre suggests the government should control employers because they pay staff, especially domestic workers, below the minimum salary.

According the Advocacy Coordinator of the organization Working Women's Centre Helven Alberto Benio the government should have a good method of controlling those who employ workers, whether private or public, as many employers say they implement the minimum wage but don't actually.

"I think in regards to worker's salaries, the majority receive from $85 down to $35," said Coordinator Benio at a strategic plan discussion for the organization in Balide, Dili.

According to basic research the Working Women's Centre conducted in Dili, Oe-Cusse, Baucau and Ermera districts, the majority of domestic workers, including those who work in shops and restaurants, do not receive the minimum wage set by the government.

He added the problem of domestic workers was very complicated, as most worked without contracts. That's why he said they made an effort to advocate for workers, so employers would fulfil their duty to give contracts and workers will be paid based on the set salary.

On the other hand, SEPFOPE Director General Jacinto Barros Gusmao said he considered the problem of domestic workers to be very complicated and difficult to control, but they continued to hold inspections when they received complaints from workers.

He said employers paid workers without following standards set and violated the law, but this is the situation, and workers take salaries from $50 to $80 without a contract because they need the work.

"Some of our workers are difficult to control as they don't have any work, so some people come and lie about what they receive, so that's a problem we face," said Director General Gusmao.
