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KNKTI to combat child labour

Dili Weekly - April 30, 2014

Paulina Quintao – Secretary of State for Vocational Training Policy and Employment (SEPFOPE) has established a National Commission against Child Labour (KNKTI) with the aim to protect children from child labour and to fulfill its rights under law.

SEPFOPE General Director Jacinto Barros Gusmao said children are the new generation of a nation; therefore the government has an obligation to protect them from risks which can harm their health and educational prospects.

"It's the time to protect our children and brothers from the risks; they have the right to play and go to school, not to be doing hard work," Gusmao said in Kaikoli, Dili. The establishment of the commission was the first step taken by the government to fulfil recommendations from the international treaty Timor-Leste ratified in 2003.

Gusmao said the commission would be composed of members from the Ministry of Social Solidarity, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Ministry of Commerce Industry and Environment, Secretary of State for Youths and Sport as well as theTimor-Leste Chamber of Commerce Industry and Workers Syndicate.

"Child labour problem is a national problem," he said. He added the commission will campaign to raise awareness in communities about children's rights and will inspect companies and individuals – including parents – who employ minors and will develop a database.

Resident Apriliano da Silva said creation of this commission was very positive. He said it was good to take action against the child labour problem within the country as there were many children who live on the streets.

He said the data was very important to support the design of the policy and the prevention program. He said it was time for a rigorous look at the problem and urged action now, rather than waiting for the problem to worsen.

He said he believed the most important factor would be education and increasing the consciousness of the parents as it is often family members who violate the rights of children in order to improve the economic position of their family.

Source: http://www.thediliweekly.com/en/news/children-youth/12380-knkti-to-combat-child-labour
