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July 23, 2024

Benar News - July 23, 2024

Stefan Armbruster, Harlyne Joku and Tria Dianti, Brisbane/Port Moresby/Jakarta – No progress has been made in sending a U.N.

Rest of World - July 23, 2024

Adi Renaldi, Jakarta – For nearly two decades, hundreds of Ahmadiyya Muslims have lived in a cramped government shelter on the Indonesian island of Lombok, after they were attacked by a

Jakarta Globe - July 23, 2024

Antara, Jakarta – Indonesia's carbon trading market is very small compared to the world's largest markets, but the government remains committed to reducing carbon emissions by 43.2 perc

Jakarta Globe - July 23, 2024

Alfida Rizky Febrianna, Jakarta – The Financial Services Authority or OJK's plans to raise the online loan limit to Rp 10 billion ($617,549) is expected to be helpful for new businesses

Jakarta Globe - July 23, 2024

Hendro Dahlan Situmorang, Jakarta – The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology approved the use of official online loan services for paying tuition fees (UKT) for univ

Jakarta Globe - July 23, 2024

Jayanty Nada Shofa, Jakarta – President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo is telling all kids across the archipelago to study hard as Indonesia celebrates National Children's Day.

Jakarta Globe - July 23, 2024

Arnoldus Kristianus, Jakarta – The government is set to inaugurate four new Special Economic Zones (SEZ) with a total investment of Rp 161 trillion ($10 billion) in Batam, Sulawesi, and

Jakarta Post - July 23, 2024

Divya Karyza, Jakarta – The government has launched an online tracking system for nickel and tin shipments to increase state revenue and improve governance in the mining sector.

Jakarta Post - July 23, 2024

Deni Ghifari, Jakarta – The transition team of president-elect Prabowo Subianto has denied a plan to slash the price per serving for the flagship free meal program, stressing that no de

Tempo - July 23, 2024

Annisa Febiola, Jakarta – Representatives of the Awyu and Moi Sigin indigenous communities submitted a petition supporting the tribes' struggle against palm oil companies to the Supreme

Jakarta Post - July 23, 2024

Jakarta – President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo was in Jayapura, Papua, on Tuesday to celebrate National Children's Day.

Jakarta Globe - July 23, 2024

Antara, Jakarta – General Maruli Simanjuntak, Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army, suggested that soldiers be allowed to take on side jobs, noting that many members of the military cu

Jakarta Post - July 23, 2024

Dio Suhenda, Jakarta – The Jakarta administration has promised to offer more long-term and fixed placements for nonpermanent teachers in the city, following recent backlash over the sud

Jakarta Post - July 23, 2024

Dio Suhenda, Jakarta – The government has announced the completion of the new presidential palace in the future capital city of Nusantara, East Kalimantan, as authorities race to comple

UCA News - July 23, 2024

Church leaders and advocacy groups have rejected a proposal by the Indonesian government to allow soldiers to do business by revising a military law.

July 22, 2024

Kompas.com - July 22, 2024

Singgih Wiryono, Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia has revealed the discovery that the Indonesian police have purchased spyware from Israel through a third party, na

Jakarta Post - July 22, 2024

Divya Karyza, Jakarta – The government has reaffirmed BYD's plan to build an electric vehicle (EV) factory in Indonesia after the Chinese automaker completed building its first Southeas

Tempo - July 22, 2024

Tempo.Co, Jakarta – The Jakarta administration is considering using one of the islands in the Thousand Islands as a landfill.

Jakarta Globe - July 22, 2024

Jayanty Nada Shofa, Jakarta – The world's second-largest coconut producer Indonesia is eyeing the production of sustainable aviation fuel as a means to derive more value from the fruit.

Jakarta Globe - July 22, 2024

Antara, Yogyakarta – The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry (ESDM) conducted its first trial of B40 biodiesel for railway transportation at Lempuyangan Station, Yogyakarta, on Monday

Jakarta Globe - July 22, 2024

Alfida Rizky Febrianna, Jakarta – Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati announced that the Coal Management Information System (Simbara), an online tracking system for mining activities

Jakarta Post Editorial - July 22, 2024

Jakarta – Make no mistake, President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's move to green-light a plan to revise the 2004 Indonesian Military (TNI) Law at the last opportunity before the transition of

Jakarta Globe - July 22, 2024

Thomas Rizal, Jakarta – The Great Indonesia Movement (Gerindra) Party Secretary General Ahmad Muzani announced the party's decision to nominate Central Java Police Chief Ahmad Luthfi as

Jakarta Globe - July 22, 2024

Nida Sahara, Jakarta – The state-run Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) has blocked at least a thousand accounts linked to online gambling.

Benar News - July 22, 2024

Kusumasari Ayuningtiyas and Ismira Lutfia Tisnadibrata, Sentul, Indonesia – Tears rolling down her face, Chusnul Chotimah viewed an exhibit showing a white Mitsubish van similar to one

Indonesia Business Post - July 22, 2024

Gusty da Costa Journalist – Executive Director of Amnesty International Indonesia Usman Hamid asks the Indonesian government and the Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) to investigate

Jakarta Globe - July 22, 2024

Yustinus Patris Paat, Jakarta – National Democrat (Nasdem) Party Chairman Surya Paloh has announced his full support for Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) leader Kaesang Pangarep in the

Channel News Asia - July 22, 2024

Jakarta – Amid reports that government-owned construction firms had suffered losses due to their involvement in Southeast Asia's first high-speed rail project, Indonesia's State-Owned E

East Asia Forum - July 22, 2024

The orderly transition of power to a duly elected leader is a, if not the, hallmark of a well-functioning democracy.

Jakarta Post - July 22, 2024

Jakarta – The Gerindra Party has endorsed Dhani Wirianata, a former personal secretary of party chairman and president-elect Prabowo Subianto, as its candidate for Bandung mayor in the

Jakarta Globe - July 22, 2024

Heru Andriyanto, Jakarta – A key witness whose testimonies led to the conviction of eight suspects in the deaths of Vina Dewi Arsita and her boyfriend Muhammad Rizky Rudiana in Cirebon

Jakarta Post - July 22, 2024

Tenggara Strategics, Jakarta – The House of Representatives will soon begin deliberations on the creation of the Supreme Advisory Council (DPA), replacing the Presidential Advisory Coun

July 21, 2024

The Guardian - July 21, 2024

Emily Dugan – Indonesian workers who paid thousands of pounds to travel to Britain and pick fruit at a farm supplying most big supermarkets have been sent home within weeks for not pick

Jakarta Globe - July 21, 2024

Antara, Heru Andriyanto, Jakarta – Acting Jakarta Governor Heru Budi Hartono has responded sharply to accusations from his predecessor, Anies Baswedan, who alleged that Heru had undermi

Jubi Papua - July 21, 2024

Pes Yanengga, Jayapura – Leaders of the Papuan Baptist Church and the Tolikara Student Association have slammed a statement by the Cenderawasih XVII regional military commander (Pangdam

Sindo News - July 21, 2024

Ari Sandita Murti, Jakarta – Thousands of people from the Defend Palestine Indonesian People's Alliance (ARI-BP) held a peaceful action to reject the Israeli contingent at the 2024 Pari

CNN Indonesia - July 21, 2024

Tanjungpinang – Hundreds of Rempang Island residents in Galang district, Batam city, Riau Islands, held a demonstration on Sunday July 21 rejecting relocation to the Pasir Merah Sembula

Jakarta Post - July 21, 2024

Dio Suhenda, Jakarta – Indonesia has welcomed a recent ruling from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that called on Israel to end its occupation of Palestine, with Foreign Minist

July 20, 2024

Straits Times - July 20, 2024

Hariz Baharudin, Jakarta – National events planned for Indonesia's new capital, Nusantara, have been delayed or scaled back after construction deadlines were missed, even as efforts to

Jakarta Globe - July 20, 2024

Algi Muhamad Gifari, Bella Evanglista Mikaputri, Jakarta – President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has dismissed claims of distributing ministerial positions before the end of his term.

Jakarta Globe - July 20, 2024

Indah Handayani, Jakarta – The Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) had a sluggish week, with transaction values and volumes dropping over 5 percent and market capitalization declining nearl

Asia Pacific Report - July 20, 2024

A brutal killing of three Papuan civilians in Puncak Jaya reveals that occupied West Papua is a ticking time bomb under Indonesian President-elect Prabowo Subianto, claims the leader of

July 19, 2024

Associated Press - July 19, 2024

Niniek Karmini, Jakarta, Indonesia – An emotionally and physically abusive marriage of 11 years led Rani Miranti to join a fight club that has trained her in martial arts, enabling her

Jakarta Globe - July 19, 2024

Muhammad Aulia Rahman, Jakarta – Hasto Kristiyanto, Secretary General of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), did not attend a scheduled summons from the Corruption Erad

Jakarta Globe - July 19, 2024

Bella Evanglista, Jakarta – President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo is confident that Indonesia can dominate up to 85 percent of the global nickel market through a partnership with the United Ar

Jakarta Globe - July 19, 2024

Bella Evanglista Mikaputri, Jakarta – The government recently defended its decision to have two deputy finance ministers following the inauguration of Thomas Djiwandono, the nephew to P

Kompas.com - July 19, 2024

Tria Sutrisna, Krisiandi, Jakarta – The House of Representatives (DPR) is being urged to immediately pass the Draft Law on the Protection of Domestic Workers (RUU PPRT) into law.

Human Rights monitor - July 19, 2024

On the night of 16 July 2024, the Indonesian military tragically shot dead Mr Tonda Wanimbo, head of Kalome Village in Mepogolok District, Mr Pemerintah Murib, head of Dokkome Village,