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How to use this site

Main Pages

Use the tabs at the top of pages to select which country or regional page to view. Note that the country or region assigned to an article is based on the subject of the article but not necessarily where it occurred, so a protest in Jakarta supporting West Papuan independence would be categorised as West Papua.

  • Home – All articles, statements and reports posted on this site
  • Indonesia – Material on Indonesia (excludes Aceh and West Papua)
  • Aceh – Material on Aceh only
  • West Papua – Material on West Papua only
  • East Timor – Material on East Timor only

Articles are ordered and grouped by the date they were published from newest to oldest.

Using the filters

All main pages have seven filters which you can use to restrict which articles are displayed.

To use the filters, first click on the Show Filter icon to show the filter then select values from the drop down lists or text fields then click on the black Filter button on the right to activate the filter condition.

Selecting Any (default) resets a filter to display all articles for that filter. Clicking the Reset button will reset all the filters to Any.

Article body

Enter one or more words or a phrase contained in the main body of the article.


All postings are assigned a Tag such as Human Rights & Justice or LGBT & Same-Sex Marriage.

Note that some tags are specific to the country or region. For example, selecting the tag Timor Sea Dispute from the West Papua page will not produce a result since this tag is specific to East Timor. More general tags such as Economy & Investment are common to articles from all regions.


Find words or phrases contained in the title of an article.


The source or publisher of an article such as the Jakarta Post or Kompas. Entering less specific values such as Jakarta would display articles for the Jakarta Post, the Jakarta Globe and Coconuts Jakarta.


  • News – News reports and articles
  • Statements – Statements, press releases, news releases and urgent actions
  • Reports – Longer documents such as annual reports by human rights organisations or academic papers


The year that an article was published (1997 to the current year)


The month that an article was published (January to December)


Determines the number of items displayed in a page ranging from the default of 50 to 500. Note that the higher this value this is, the longer it will take to load the page.


To select which view to show, click on one of the icons at the top right of main pages.

  • Hide Filter Default View – Title, source and the first few lines of the main body of the article plus the category, country and tag assigned to the article.
  • Tile View Tile view – Similar but postings are displayed in two columns with a shorter body summary.
  • List View List view – Title and source only. Useful in combination with a high value for the Articles filter to scan through large numbers of postings.

Questions, comments and suggestions about this site are welcome and can be sent to apsn@asia-pacific-solidarity.net.