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2,190 foreigners get work permit visas for TL in 2015

Dili Weekly - February 11, 2016

Paulina Quintso, – The Inspector General for Labour (IJT) and Secretary of State for Vocational Training Policy and Employment (SEPFOPE) Aniceto Leto Soro said in 2015 some 2,190 foreigners received work permit visas to work in Timor-Leste.

From the 2,190 foreigners, 1,690 were foreign workers and 502 qualified as employers. "Most of the 2,190 foreign workers approved in 2015 were from Indonesia," said Inspector General Soro in Dili.

He added that some were also from China and from the Philippine and other nationalities and included managers, foremen, chefs, carpenters, tradesmen and mechanics.

Meanwhile Member of the National Parliament MP Virgilio da Costa Hornai expressed concerns with some of the foreign workers who use their visa and end up working in prostitution. "Based on information I received, many Indonesian women work as prostitutes," he said.

He urged relevant authorities but in particular Immigration Police to better control foreigners working on tourism visas and for SEPFOPE not to authorise working visas for illegal activities.

In response to the concern, Inspector General Soro said visas are not given to prostitutes because this would break the law.

Source: http://www.thediliweekly.com/en/news/news/13462-2-190-foreigners-get-work-permit-visas-for-tl-in-2015
