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Guest worker policy to spread to East Timor

Melbourne Age - August 22, 2008

Ben Doherty and Sarah Smiles – A new guest worker scheme, this one to bring East Timorese workers to the labour-starved Kimberley region of Western Australia, appears likely to be announced as soon as next week.

This comes as Federal Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson faces a revolt from Nationals MPs after criticising the scheme to bring Pacific island guest workers to pick fruit in Victoria and NSW.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd could unveil an identical scheme for the other side of the country when he meets East Timorese counterpart Xanana Gusmao on Monday. Mr Gusmao told The Age the question of guest workers would be high on his agenda when the two leaders met.

At the weekend, the Federal Government announced it would bring up to 2500 workers from Kiribati, Tonga, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea in a three-year trial to pick fruit in Victoria's Swan Hill region and NSW's Riverina.

The scheme has strong support from growers and the National Farmers Federation, which says $700 million of fruit rots every season because pickers cannot be found, as well as the backing of most of the union movement.

But the Federal Opposition has condemned it, along with indigenous leader Warren Mundine, who say fruit-picking jobs should be given to the unemployed, particularly unemployed Aborigines.

A scheme involving East Timorese workers would probably operate under similar conditions. Workers with a job offer from an approved employer in a specified area and industry could come to Australia to work for seven months out of 12.

It appears likely that East Timorese workers would be restricted to the Kimberley, and to working in horticulture, despite suggestions of labour shortages in areas such as aquaculture, tourism and hospitality.

WA has signed an agreement with East Timor, but it needs Federal Government approval.

Kevin Austin, a Dili-based development adviser with Human Securities International, said the initial proposal was for 300 employees and trainees in the first pilot year and 100 occupational trainees.

The Age believes there is widespread support for an East Timorese guest worker program from within cabinet, and among Government backbenchers.

Nationals senator Ron Boswell also backed the scheme, highlighting divisions in the Coalition. He said East Timor had crippling youth unemployment, and "the last thing we need on our doorstep is a nation where the young male population has nothing to do".

Nationals MP Kay Hull has accused Dr Nelson of being out of touch with rural electorates for attacking the program.

Dr Nelson and senior Liberal Tony Abbott think unemployed Australians should fill jobs before Islanders, and Mr Abbott has called for Aborigines to get priority.

Dr Nelson tried to play down the criticism yesterday, saying it was his role to examine "this radical change in immigration policy. "We are concerned about health checks, security checks, compliance, how do we make sure they are going to go back?"

"If Australia is prepared to bring dirt-poor people from Pacific island nations to do work Australians are unable or unwilling to do – then surely we are capable of working out some financial assistance to get Australians who are unemployed to help them do the work."

Ms Hull invited Dr Nelson to speak with growers about the "dire circumstances" in her southern NSW Riverina electorate. "They are almost on their knees through drought, and then they're expected to watch their crops rot," she said.

Victorian Nationals MP John Forrest said his electorate of Mallee had a large Aboriginal community "but we still have a shortage" of workers.

The member for Kalgoorlie, which encompasses the Kimberley, the Liberals' Barry Haase, said while the proposed "Pacific solution" had serious flaws, he supported a "properly run" guest worker scheme in his electorate.
