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Rights commission issues 12 recommendations on dealing with armed conflicts in Papua

Detik News - December 18, 2024

Maulana Ilhami Fawdi, Jakarta – The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) noted that between January and December 2024 there were 113 human rights incidents in Papua, 85 of which had the dimensions of armed conflict and violence.

Komnas HAM Chairperson Atnike Nova Sigiro says the situation in Papua has caused various problems, ranging from damage to public fatalities to internally displaced people.

"The impact of the armed conflict and violence has causes various problems, both fatalities and injuries, internal refugees, and the cessation of public services", Sigiro said at the Komnas HAM offices in Menteng, Central Jakarta, on Wednesday December 18.

According to Sigiro, due to the 85 incidents of armed conflict and violence, 61 people were killed, 39 suffered injuries and 17 people became hostages. She said Central Papua province was an area with the largest number of conflicts in Papua.

"In terms of regional distribution, throughout 2024, the highest number of armed conflicts and violence occurred in Intan Jaya regency, Central Papua, with as many as 22 incidents, followed by Puncak Jaya regency, Central Papua, with as many as 13 incidents, [then] Paniai, Central Papua, with 12 incidents", she said.

"[Then] Yahukimo, Papua Highlands with 10 incidents, Nduga regency, Papua Highlands seven incidents, and Bintang Mountains regency, Papua Highlands province with as many as seven incidents. So the areas vulnerable to conflicts and violence are in Central Papua province", she said.

Komnas HAM Commissioner Prabianto Mukti Wibowo said that in addition to armed conflicts, agrarian conflicts related the planned development of National Strategic Projects (PSN) were also found in Papua. He said one such project was PSN food estate in Merauke, South Papua.

According to Wibowo, the government needs to pay attention to the welfare and involvement of the local Papuan communities.

"We all know that the government is planning to build a food PSN in Merauke using a land covering approximately 2 million hectares. Well, this also has the potential [to impact on] local communities' rights to land and the sustainability of their livelihoods", he said.

"Of course, in this case, as long as the planning process doesn't, meaning that from the beginning doesn't involve local communities, not conducting FPIC (free, prior and informed consent), there must be initial information and initial approval from local communities, of course this has the potential for the occurrence of rights violations against local indigenous peoples", he said.

Furthermore, Wibowo said that Komnas HAM is making 12 recommendations related to the handling of conflicts in Papua. These recommendations include the termination of armed contacts through to evaluating the construction of PSN and prioritising development for local residents or indigenous Papuans (OAP).

The following are Komnas HAM's 12 recommendations on handling conflicts in Papua:

1. Komnas HAM calls for the parties to stop armed contacts and other acts of violence that cause an escalation in the conflict and threaten the safety of civilians.

2. Asking the security forces to always use measurable and proportional measures to avoid causalities.

3. Asking the Armed Civil Groups (KSB) and the authorities not to target civilians and public service facilities in conflicts.

4. Asking regional governments (Pemda) to restore public service facilities following armed conflicts so that communities can obtain services and be able to return to their normal activities.

5. Asking the central government to support local governments in restoring public service facilities in areas following conflicts.

6. Asking regional governments to be more responsive and prioritise the handling of internal refugees in their areas.

7. Asking law enforcement officials to ensure effective law enforcement in cases of violence, including violence against human rights defenders.

8. Asking all regional governments that have been formed since the regional elections to pay special attention to land problems and/or disputes, agrarian issues and natural resources, including PSN in order to create effective governance and respect for human rights.

9. Urging the central and regional governments to ensure the application of FPIC (free, prior and informed consent) principles in planning and implementing development in all Papuan provinces, including for PSN.

10. Asking the central and regional governments to postpone the implementation of PSN which are still facing disputes, and encouraging a process of resolution through dialogue and participation, especially for affected communities.

11. Asking the president to prioritise a human rights approach in efforts to resolve conflicts and restoring security in Papua.

12. Asking the president to ensure that all development policies in Papua provide sustainable benefits for communities, especially Papuan Indigenous peoples.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Ini 12 Rekomendasi Komnas HAM soal Konflik di Papua".]

Source: https://news.detik.com/berita/d-7692885/ini-12-rekomendasi-komnas-ham-soal-konflik-di-papu
