Ihsan Reliubun, Jakarta – The Chairman of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari stated that phase I of logistics production for the 2024 general elections is 90 percent complete. Half of the electoral logistics, he said, have been distributed to some regions.
"Electoral logistics production is nearing its final stage, especially the phase I logistics such as ballot boxes, polling booth, inks, and seals. The process has surpassed 90 percent," he said during a press conference in Jakarta on Tuesday evening, Nov. 28, 2023.
On Nov. 28, Hasyim explained, that phase I logistics production has reached 98.4 percent while distribution to the storage in the regions reached 93.4 percent. "It's on the way," he said.
Meanwhile, the logistics that have arrived at KPU's regional storage warehouses reached 90 percent. "Based on the data, KPU is optimistic that the logistics distribution will be on time," Hasyim added.
Inks and seal production for the general elections are 100 percent finished. On the other hand, diplomatic bags to distribute the logistics abroad are at 48.6 percent. "Thus it becomes the first phase priority," he remarked.
KPU Commissioner Yulianto Sudrajat also mentioned that in the upcoming general elections, the number of permanent voters (DPT) in this election reached 204,807,322 people. "The data consists of domestic voters and voters abroad," he said.
Domestic voters reached 203,546,748 people with 1,750,474 people residing in other countries. Around 101,467,243 voters are men while 101,589,505 are registered as women. Meanwhile, Indonesian voters abroad consist of 751,260 men and 999,214 women.
In addition, the number of districts in Indonesia is 7,277 while villages total 83,731. Domestic polling stations or TPS reached 820,161 while overseas polling stations amounted to 3,059. Those are spread across 128 representatives in 95 countries, with overseas TPS reaching 828, moving ballot boxes reaching 1,579, and voting posts reaching 652.
Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1802831/kpu-says-phase-i-of-electoral-logistics-production-reach-9