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Police demand proof of human rights violation

Tempo - June 2, 2019

Andita Rahma, Jakarta – The Indonesian National Police Spokesman Gen. Dedi Prasetyo welcomed the National Commission for Human Rights (Komnas HAM) to hand over data and facts related to the suspected human rights violation committed by the Police against the May 22 riot investigation team.

"If there are data and facts, please show it," Dedi said on Sunday, June 2, 2019.

Previously, the Komnas HAM had suspected an indication of human rights violation committees by the police in handling the May 22 riot. One of Komnas HAM Commissioner Amiruddin Al Rahab, stated that some of the things being investigated are the suspected violation of procedure by the Police and the suspected use of lethal ammunition. In addition, the Komnas HAM also investigated the background of the people arrested by the Police.In response to the Komnas HAM statement, Dedi insisted that the Police had followed the standard procedure in handling the May 22 riot.

"The Police, in handling the violent riot, have followed the prevailing regulations and standard procedures," Dedi said.

The Police have gained much attention following the May 22 riot. The public accused the Police for violating human rights. The Indonesian Police Headquarter said that it has established a team to investigate the suspected violation and promised to impose sanction against any member of the Police proven to have committed human rights violation.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1211730/police-demand-proof-of-human-rights-violation
