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Agustiana, officially arrested in Tasikmalaya case

Kompas Online - January 31, 1997

Bandung – The Attorney General's Office of West Java on Thursday (30/1) arrested Agustiana bin Suryana (24) as official detainee of the Attorney General's Office with status as suspect of subversive crime in the Tasikmalaya affair.

At the moment he is detained at the House of detention in Tasikmalaya.

The certainty of this arrest was said by the Public Relations Head (Kahumas) of the Attorney General's Office of West Java, TP Tampulolan SH, Thursday (30/1), in his operation room in Bandung.

In the press meeting at the same day, the Institute of Legal Aid (YLBH) Nusantara questioned the evidences for the capture and arrest of the suspect.

The Kahumas stated to Kompas that the suspect is the chairman of the Forum of Youth Pupils and Students of Garut (FPPMG) and is only arrested in the frame of investigating.

While his colleagues Iman Taufik, Agus Rulli and Yudi Kurnia have for the moment the status of witnesses.

YLBH Nusantara with as chairman Effendi Saman SH as legal proxy from Agustiana was not satisfied with the result of the decision to detain the suspect.

In the near future, this dissatisfaction will be conveyed to the Attorney General's Office.

"We question the legal measurement taken by the Attorney General's Office of West Java, because the arrest of the suspect must be accompanied by clear evidences,' he said.

YLBH Nusantara is also not satisfied with the acts of investigating and arresting performed by the District Attorney of Tasikmalaya and the other apparatures on 8 January 1997.

The measurement was only based on the Request for Information Letter No... Pg1 179/P.2.16/Dp 3/1/97 dated 6 January 1997 which formed a form of violation and insult towards the KUHP (civil code) and Human Basic Rights (HAM).

He clarified that the violation caused a loss which has to be accounted for by the District Attorney's Office of Tasikmalaya, because KUHP does not know the term Intelligence Operation like said by the District Attorney's Office of Tasikmalaya (Kompas 11/1), namely as one form of deviation which does not uphold freedom and integrity.

"Against this measurement also, we urge the Attorney General to take actions against the District Attorney's Office of Tasikmalaya and the Attorney General of West Java is considered to have performed a legal deviation towards the KUHP," Effendi clarified.

One day before the official arrest towards the suspect, around 14.00-14.30, YLBH Nusantara intended to meet with the suspect.

But this intention was rejected by the police chief of Tasikmalaya with the reason that they already had their own lawyers. When YLBH Nusantara tried to contact Agustiana at Hotel Yudha Negara where the suspect lodged, a Mitsubishi car even followed the YLBK Nusantara team.

Upon arrival at the hotel, the person on duty informed that the name of Agustiana was not recorded in the hotel guest records. Meanwhile according to Agustiana's parents, the suspect was in room 210 of said hotel.
