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First 100 days of Prabowo's administration, Celios suggests cabinet reshuffle

Tempo - January 21, 2025

Dinda Shabrina, Jakarta – In the first 100 days of President Prabowo Subianto's administration, the performance of several economic and environment ministers has been highlighted. Based on the assessment and survey by the Center of Economic and Law Studies (CELIOS), several names in the 'red category' are considered worthy of reshuffling.

In the economic sector, Cooperatives Minister Budi Arie Setiadi is one of the main highlights, with a score of -39. Director of the Center for Economic and Legal Studies (Celios) Bhima Yudhistira assessed that Budi Arie's performance has not had a significant impact, especially in managing cooperatives, one of the pillars of the people's economy.

"Budi Arie has a red report card because the progress of cooperative development is not yet clear," he said. "This is very unfortunate considering its crucial role in supporting the people's economy," Bhima said in a press conference dubbed the '100-Day Report of the Prabowo-Gibran Government' held online on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

Other ministers who received the spotlight include Coordinating Minister for Food Zulkifli Hasan with a report card score of -16. Then the head of the Poverty Reduction Acceleration Agency, Budiman Sudjatmiko, with a score of -11, and the head of the Daya Anagata Nusantara Investment Management Agency, Muliaman Darmansyah Hadad, with a score of -5. According to Bhima, the investment agency headed by Muliaman has not shown a clear direction and concrete impact.

The performance of the energy and environment sectors is also a serious concern. Minister of Forestry Raja Juli Antoni received the worst report card at a score of -45. Bhima highlighted Raja Juli's problematic policies, including plans to convert forests into energy plantations and co-firing coal-fired PLTUs.

"The Minister of Forestry should protect the forests and not sell them under the pretext of food or energy reserves. Such a policy creates conflicts with indigenous peoples and damages the environment," said Bhima.

Meanwhile, Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia received a score of -25. Celios viewed Bahlil as failing to translate President Prabowo's commitment to energy transition into concrete policies. Bhima highlighted the lack of technical plans to close coal-fired power plants, which have yet to be implemented.

Environment Minister Hanif Faisol Nurofiq received a score of 6, relatively better than his two colleagues in the sector. However, Bhima noted that progressive policies in the environment sector are still highly expected, including the implementation of ambitious carbon reduction targets through the renewal of the nationally determined contribution (NDC).

Bhima stressed the need for a comprehensive evaluation of the performance of President Prabowo's ministers. According to Bhima, a cabinet reshuffle could be a strategic step to ensure that the government can respond more effectively to economic, energy, and environmental challenges.

"Several ministers need to be evaluated immediately so that the government's strategic goals do not become mere rhetoric. In addition, President Prabowo's commitments in international forums such as the G20 need to be translated into concrete and credible policies," said Bhima.

Below are the names of other ministers included in Celio's proposal for reshuffling due to poor ratings:

  • Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono
  • Minister of Tourism Widyanti Putri Wardhana
  • Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto
  • Minister of Agriculture Amran Sulaiman
  • Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani
  • Minister of Manpower Indonesia Yassierli
  • Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises Maman Abdurrahman

The public now awaits President Prabowo's steps in response to the evaluation of his first 100 days. The cabinet reshuffle could be a strong signal that the government is serious about realizing the grand vision Prabowo has previously vowed.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1966614/first-100-days-of-prabowos-administration-celios-suggests-cabinet-reshuffl
