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Tempo's coverage on online gambling complies with code of ethics: Press Council

Tempo - November 29, 2024

Intan Setiawanty, Jakarta – The Press Council has ruled that Tempo magazine's cover and main coverage on online gambling, published in its November 18-24, 2024, edition, adheres to the Journalistic Code of Ethics.

The decision comes in response to a complaint filed by former minister of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo), Budi Arie Setiadi, who took issue with the cover illustration depicting his face on a slot machine.

Budi Arie, through his legal counsel, argued that the illustration was demeaning and misleading. However, the Press Council concluded that the cover and the accompanying article were part of a unified journalistic piece that aimed to expose online gambling activities.

"Tempo magazine's cover does not violate the Journalistic Code of Ethics and is part of the press's role as social control," said Ninik Rahayu, Chairperson of the Press Council, in Jakarta on Friday, November 29, 2024.

Tempo's Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Bagja Hidayat, explained that the magazine had attempted to interview Budi Arie to obtain his clarification, but the former minister canceled the scheduled interview. "If Budi Arie made time, the cover could be different," he said, adding that Tempo had three alternative covers and that the editorial board selected one through a consensus process.

The Press Council recommended that Budi Arie exercise his right to respond to Tempo's coverage within 14 days of this decision. This clarification will be published in a subsequent edition to provide a more balanced perspective.

Tempo's coverage of online gambling is viewed as a form of social control, exposing networks and illegal practices involving certain individuals. Tempo remains committed to upholding journalistic principles of independence and integrity.

Budi Arie's complaint, filed on November 18, 2024, alleged that Tempo's report implicated him in online gambling activities during his tenure in the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, which is now the Ministry of Communication and Digital (Komdigi). The report suggested that certain employees who did not meet the necessary qualifications were appointed to oversee online gambling site blockages.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1946947/tempos-coverage-on-online-gambling-complies-with-code-of-ethics-press-counci
