Han Revanda Putra, Jakarta – Executive Director of Indonesian Politics Parameter, Adi Prayitno, viewed that President Joko Widodo or Jokowi will influence the cabinet composition of Prabowo-Gibran at least until October 20, 2024, which is the inauguration day of the elected president and vice president for 2024-2029 period.
"Before October 20, Jokowi may still influence the composition of the cabinet," said Adi when contacted via WhatsApp on Saturday, Feb. 24. However, he also assessed that Prabowo also has a reference for the upcoming governmental composition.
But Adi said that it would not last long since the definitive president after October 20, would be Prabowo. "After October 20, there are no guarantees [that Jokowi will influence the cabinet composition] at all. Because Prabowo will be the definitive president," said Adi.
Deputy chief of the national campaign team of Prabowo-Gibran, Ahmad Muzani, said that the rumors about the cabinet composition of the president and vice president number 02 were only speculations. He added that Prabowo and Gibran still wait for the real count of the General Election Commisions or KPU.
Circulating on social media a poster entitled "The List of Prabowo-Gibran Ministries" with a cabinet dubbed the 'Gold Indonesia Cabinet'. The poster with sky-blue shades stated that Prabowo-Gibran would adopt the position of junior minister a la Sukarno to ensure the representation of young people in government.
Among the names mentioned on the list include Joko Widodo and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as Presidential Advisory Council, Nusron Wahid as the Chief of Presidential Staff, Rosan Roeslani as Foreign Affairs Minister, Grace Natalie as the Junior Minister of Social Affairs, Welfare, Women and Children, and Budiman Sudjatmiko as Village and Transmigration Minister.
"I would like to say that those circulating on social media, whoever the names, whatever the lists, are speculative," said Muzani when met by Tempo at Media Center of Prabowo-Gibran campaign team in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, on Tuesday, Feb. 20.
Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1837470/jokowi-to-influence-prabowo-gibran-cabinet-composition-observer-say