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Kominfo eyes 30-Fold faster internet for Indonesia by 2045

Tempo - February 2, 2024

Antara, Makassar – Indonesian Communication and Information (Kominfo) Minister Budi Arie Setiadi targeted the country's internet speed to reach 765 megabits per second (Mbps), or 30 times faster than today, by Indonesia's 100th year of independence in 2045.

"Indonesia's internet speed is still low. It is now only 24.9 Mbps, so we need to boost it 30 times [faster] in the next 21 years," Budi said in Gowa, South Sulawesi, on Thursday, February 1.

The Kominfo Ministry inaugurated the Makassar UPT Balai or Class I Radio Frequency Spectrum Monitoring (SFR) in Gowa on Feb. 1. Budi stressed that the government continues to build networks to expedite and achieve the vision of Digital Indonesia 2045.

"A common understanding and measurable and harmonious implementation steps among government, private, and community institutions are necessary," he added.

Ismail, the Kominfo Ministry's Director General of Resources and Postal and Information Technology Devices, said that the building is equipped with fixed and mobile station radio frequency spectrum monitoring equipment to supervise and control the use of the radio frequency spectrum.

"[Radio frequency] is a limited natural resource used in many areas of life, one of which is in the aviation sector," Ismail said.

To date, Indonesia has 19 surveillance center buildings, including the latest one in Gowa. Ismail assessed that the center would face more difficult challenges in the future as communication systems and technologies evolve rapidly.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1828739/kominfo-eyes-30-fold-faster-internet-for-indonesia-by-204
