Adi Warsono, Jakarta – The drought in Bekasi Regency is worsening. The Bekasi Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) reported that as of Sunday, September 3, the drought has spread to 10 sub-districts and 32 villages from previously 9 sub-districts and 23 villages.
"At least 16,999 families or 66,647 people are affected by the drought in Bekasi Regency," the agency said in an official statement.
The regency government and related parties continue to supply clean water. To date, 1,063,600 liters of clean water have been distributed to affected residents.
Additionally, 16,353 hectares of agricultural land have also been affected, and 3,618.5 hectares of land are at risk of being affected. Bekasi Acting Regent Dani Ramdan said that his side had sent assistance, such as providing water pumps for the agricultural fields.
Dani hoped that farmers could continue to be active in implementing various strategies, such as switching to secondary crops. "So the drought occurring in Bekasi Regency won't cause a food crisis because the land will remain productive," he said.
On August 31, the Bekasi Regency Government declared a 14-day drought emergency until September 13, 2023, as the drought widespread to 10 sub-districts, viz. Bojongmangu, Cibarusah, Serang Baru, Sukawangi, Babelan, Tarumajaya, Muara Gembong, Pebayuran, Setu, and Central Cikarang.