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Indonesia to launch hot-line for public complaints about politicians

Jakarta Globe - October 4, 2011

House of Representatives speaker Marzuki Alie says he is well aware of the public's low opinion of politicians, promising to launch a hot-line and Web site for public complaints about errant lawmakers.

"I have often mentioned in many official forums from Manado [North Sulawesi] to West Java that the public trust in the House of Representatives [DPR] has declined drastically," Marzuki said at the State Palace on Tuesday.

On Sunday, the Indonesia Survey Circle (LSI) announced that only 23 percent of respondents in a new survey said they still believed Indonesian politicians were doing a good or very good job. The survey showed that 51 percent thought politicians were doing a bad or very bad job, with 25 percent refusing to answer the question.

"The fact is between 2005 to 2009, there have been a lot of [corruption] cases where many lawmakers were involved and it has degraded the political institution," Marzuki said. "The House is composing strategic plans as the answer to redeem the credibility of the lawmakers and politicians."

He said part of the plan was to intensify public relations and to facilitate public feedback.

"We are going to boost the performance quality and monitoring through a Web site and SMS," Marzuki said, referring to the Web site pengaduan.dpr.go.id and SMS hot-line number 19443344 where people could complain or make suggestions.
