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Sleepy councilors delay passing crucial laws because of World Cup

Jakarta Globe - June 17, 2010

Councilors and city officials from Padang in West Sumatra have been chastised for failing to show up on time for an important meeting on Thursday morning because they were too tired after watching the football World Cup match involving Spain and Switzerland.

Yultekhnikal, speaker of the Padang Legislative Council (DPRD), was forced to adjourn the meeting for 30 minutes because the required two thirds of the council needed to establish a quorum were late.

The speaker said each party faction in the DPRD had been expected to outline their respective positions on the ratification of a number of pieces of legislation and internal mechanisms, including, ironically, an Honorary Council with the power to discipline wayward council members.

However, he said, the councilors failed to arrive in the desired numbers because "they watched the football last night." He hoped discipline would improve after they formed the honorary council.
