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Dead fish in West Sumatra's Lake Maninjau reaches 75 tons due to extreme weather

Tempo - January 20, 2025

Antara, Jakarta – The Food Security and Fisheries Service of Agam Regency, West Sumatra, recorded that the death of floating net cage fish in Lake Maninjau increased by 50 tons. So that the total fish deaths due to strong winds that hit the lake area since Sunday, January 12, 2025, became 75 tons.

"This is based on data collection carried out by field fisheries extension workers from floating net cage farmers," said Head of the Agam Food Security and Fisheries Service Rosva Deswira in Lubuk Basung, Sunday, January 19, 2025 as quoted by Antara.

Rosva said that the 50 tons of dead fish were spread across the Tanjung Sani Village area, Tanjung Raya District, from data collected until Saturday, January 18, 2025. The tilapia of various sizes belonged to several fish net cage farmers from dozens of floating net cage plots in Lake Maninjau. "This is the latest data and we continue to collect data," he said.

Previously, the Agam Food Security and Fisheries Service recorded that there were around 25 tons of dead fish in Nagari Bayua, Tanjung Raya District, Monday, January 13, 2025. The fish deaths were spread across Jorong Lubuak Anyia, Banda Tangah and Lubuak Kandang owned by 12 floating net cage farmers,

Rosva explained that the fish deaths were due to strong winds that hit the area since Sunday, January 12, 2025. The weather caused the water to turn over from the bottom to the surface of the lake. As a result, the water with low oxygen levels rose to the surface and this caused the fish to die. Initially, the fish deaths were found in Nagari Bayua, a few days later a similar thing happened in the lake area in Nagari Tanjung Sani. He asked the community to bury the dead fish, not to throw them into the lake, so as not to pollute Lake Maninjau.

The Agam Food Security and Fisheries Service, said Rosva, has actually issued a circular letter Number 500.5.3.3/435/DKPP/2024 regarding extreme weather predictions and efforts to prevent fish deaths in Lake Maninjau. The letter dated November 21, 2024 was submitted to the village heads or village heads and the Tanjung Raya Sub-district Head so that the community would increase their awareness of the possibility of fish deaths due to extreme weather.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1965930/dead-fish-in-west-sumatras-lake-maninjau-reaches-75-tons-due-to-extreme-weathe
