Devy Ernis, Antara, Jakarta – Ahmad Zuhdi Muhdlor, chairman of the Tanfidziyah of the Nahdlatul Ulama Regional Board (PWNU) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, proposed that the government create rules prohibiting children and teenagers under 16 from using social media.
He believes that the ban will help the government curb social media's negative influence on children from an early age, especially from exposure to online gambling. "This must be regulated. Not just by appeal. Once it becomes a national regulation, sanctions can be imposed on violators," said Zuhdi on Tuesday, December 4, 2024.
According to him, the proposal was inspired by the regulations that will take effect in Australia. The Law passed by the Australian Senate on Thursday, November 28, will prohibit anyone under 16 from using social media such as TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Reddit, and X.
"This could be tried or studied by the government for implementation in Indonesia. I think it's good, where other countries are also now experiencing its impact," he said.
For Zuhdi, the implementation of the rule is not merely following Australia because children in Indonesia have also experienced negative impacts on the mental or psychological health of children.
He does not deny that social media and the development of information technology (IT) can also offer many benefits; however, he said the harm is greater for underage children because they are generally not yet able to use it wisely.
In addition, online gambling campaigns or advertisements scattered on social media also have the potential to influence them.
"Once it enters the child's mind, correcting will be challenging. I sometimes also think the many murders committed by various parties are inseparable, if not alcohol, then online gambling. This is very real," he said.
Zuhdi assesses that the current new government has plenty of resources through various related ministries to study the harm of social media usage for children.
"Moreover, the education ministry has now been divided into enough representatives. These can also be parts of the education ministry, specifically those studying these issues. I hope it will be like that," he said.
In addition to regulations, he emphasized that families still have a crucial role in controlling the use of gadgets among children or teenagers to protect them from exposure to negative content, including online gambling campaigns.