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KPK reminds Papua special autonomy fund management must be transparent: No abuse!

Voice of Indonesia - November 22, 2024

Jakarta – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reminded that Papua's special autonomy funds (otsus) must be managed transparently. Do not let there be abuse such as bribery to project procurement that leads to corruption.

This message was conveyed when the Papuan People's Assembly (MRP) held an audience at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta on Thursday, November 21. Initially, the Chairperson of the KPK, Nawawi Pomolango, said that this step was the right momentum to ensure the governance of the implementation of special autonomy (otsus) in accordance with Law Number 22 of 2021.

"The presence of the MRP is a control over all aspects of the lives of the Papuan people and ensures that governance in Papua is running well and clean. This is of course in line with the KPK's mission to eradicate corruption," said Nawawi in an official written statement, Friday, November 22.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Alexander Marwata reminded that special autonomy funds must be used for the benefit of the community. For example, economic empowerment, health, and education in Papua.

Alexander also advised that the use of these funds must be free of corruption because it comes from the state budget (APBN).

"The Papua Special Autonomy Fund has a large budget value, especially now that there are 6 provinces that have been expanded. We hope that the management will be transparent and can have an impact on the community. There should be no abuse such as bribery and fictitious projects," he said.

Furthermore, Alexander also said that MRP could coordinate with the Deputy for Coordination and Supervision to discuss the management of special autonomy funds. He said this method could be more effective because the anti-corruption commission does not have branches that can observe direct use of the budget.

"This hearing is a momentum to evaluate the implementation of special autonomy funds. Because the KPK does not have an office in the regions, please coordinate with Korsup regarding the problems found in the field," said Alexander.

Receiving this warning, MRP, which is a representation of indigenous Papuans (OAP), is ready to oversee the use of special autonomy funds. However, they had mentioned that special autonomy funds were often problematic.

"The distribution of special autonomy funds is often problematic. We don't know who used and managed this fund. We came here to ask the KPK to re-examine financial management in the Papua region," said member of the Special Committee (Pansus) Affirmation and Chairman of the Honorary Council of MRP Dorince Meheu on that occasion.

Dorince also highlighted that there are still many inequality that occurs in Papua. "There are many basic rights to OAP, especially related to natural wealth management, which have not been fulfilled," he said.

"Papua is rich in natural resources, but its people are still living in poverty. We are tasked with keeping the benefits of special autonomy really up to OAP," concluded Dorince.

Source: https://voi.id/en/news/43615
