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Extreme weather causes 100 collapsed buildings in Jakarta since 2022: BPBD

Tempo - November 12, 2024

M. Faiz Zaki, Jakarta – Jakarta Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) noted that from 2022 to mid-2024, extreme weather has caused 100 buildings to collapse in the region.

The Head of Jakarta BPBD, Isnawa Adji, stated that the collapsed buildings in various parts of Jakarta were caused by heavy rain and strong winds.

This record indicates a high risk of damage to buildings that are already fragile or poorly maintained, exacerbated by soil displacement.

"People need to pay close attention to the condition of their buildings, especially those that are old or damaged," said Isnawa in a written statement on Monday, November 11, 2024.

According to Isnawa, old buildings require repairs or structural reinforcements to avoid hazards. Houses and buildings in disaster-prone areas also need regular inspections.

He also urged residents to report at-risk buildings to authorities, considering extreme weather potential is increasing along with the arrival of the rainy season.

"Inspecting the condition of roofs, walls, and other supporting structures can prevent accidents or further damage," Isnawa stated.

Jakarta residents are directed to contact BPBD emergency service at the 112 Jakarta Siaga phone number to report buildings that have collapsed or suffered structural damages.

Residents are also advised to follow the latest information on the weather as well as early warning maps of ground movements from the Center of Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG).

On extreme weather, Bogor City BPBD said it has handled 70 natural and non-natural disaster incidents during the first 10 days of November 2024.

As reported by Antara on Monday, the Head of Bogor City BPBD, Hidayatulloh, said incidents involving uprooted trees are the most common at the beginning of this rainy season. "Out of the 70 incidents, there were 26 cases of fallen trees," he said.

Of the total disaster incidents this month, Bogor City BPBD also recorded 14 building collapses, 13 cases of strong winds, 13 landslides, two flood incidents, and two fire incidents.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1940011/extreme-weather-causes-100-collapsed-buildings-in-jakarta-since-2022-bpb
