Jayapura – In the follow-up trial of the alleged treason at the Jayapura District Court on Thursday, August 11, 2022, Public Prosecutor Achmad Kobarubun demanded that the seven Morning Star flag raisers be sentenced to one year in prison respectively.
The seven people being tried were Melvin Yobe (29), Melvin Fernando Waine (25), Devio Tekege (23), Yosep Ernesto Matuan (19), Maksimus Simon Petrus You (18), Lukas Kitok Uropmabin (21), and Ambrosius Fransiskus Elopere (21). They raised the Morning Star at Cenderawasih Sports Center on December 1, 2021.
Even though Melvin Yobe and his friends raised the Morning Star peacefully and did not carry weapons, they were accused of treason nonetheless.
The public prosecutor also asked the Court that evidence in the form of a koteka (sheath), a noken (woven bag), two necklaces, four jeans, five shirts, and a jacket be returned to the rightful owners. Meanwhile, evidence in the form of three mobile phones, two cellphone chargers, a slingshot, two Morning Star flags, and a banner were asked to be destroyed. The defendants were also required to pay a court fee of Rp 5,000 each.
After listening to the prosecutor's demands, chief judge RF Tampubolon said that Melvin Yobe and his friends could prepare their own defenses, or make such defenses through their legal advisors.
"The defendants have the right to submit their own handwritten defenses, or through legal counsel. It's up to each one," Tampubolon said to the defendants.
Source: https://en.jubi.id/prosecutor-demands-one-year-jail-for-morning-star-raisers