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PKS criticizes draft bill on new capital city over lacking environmental rules

Tempo - December 15, 2021

Caesar Akbar, Jakarta – The House of Representatives (DPR) member from the PKS faction, Suryadi Jaya Purnama, said the draft bill on the new capital city (RUU IKN) has entered the discussion stage.

"Discussions on the draft bill seems to be carried out quickly which is evident from the number of experts invited [to the meeting] that reach 4 to 5 people a day and the RDPU is even held on holidays," said Suryadi, who is also a member of the bill special committee, in a written statement, Wednesday, December 15.

Several experts, however, highlighted a disparity between the academic paper and the draft bill. "Because many things conveyed in the academic paper were not listed in the draft bill," Suryadi said.

Some of the issues criticized, he explained, were the lack of regulations related to the environment, which was only one article. While in fact, the relocation of the state capital city would surely cause a broad impact on the environment.

Thus, Suryadi emphasized the need for an artificial wildlife corridor plan that takes into account biodiversity and ensures sustainable flora and fauna.

"Many criticisms on this draft prove that its quality is low, so discussions should not be carried out in a hurry and must provide the widest possible space for the public and experts to give input on this draft bill [of the new capital city]," Suryadi concluded.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1539582/pks-criticizes-draft-bill-on-new-capital-city-over-lacking-environmental-rule
