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Court waits for Victor Yeimo's health report before trial

Tabloid JUBI - October 13, 2021

Theo Kelen, Jayapura – The Jayapura District Court is still waiting for the medical examination result of Victor Yeimo to determine his trial schedule. Yeimo, the international spokesperson for the West Papua National Committee who is arrested for alleged treason during a protest against racism in 2019, is currently undergoing treatment for tuberculosis at the Dok 2 Hospital.

Jayapura District Court spokesperson Zaka Talpatty stated that the continuation of Victor Yeimo's trial would be based on the doctor's statement. If the doctor decides Yeimo has been recovered, the public prosecutor will report Yeimo's recovery to the panel of judges so that the panel determines the schedule for the next trial.

"[If Victor Yeimo is declared healthy by the doctor], he [will] be detained again, and the trial will continue," Talpatty said.

Whereas, if the doctor's examination result states that Victor Yeimo still needs treatment, the Court will fulfill Yeimo's right to get his treatment.

"We do not rely on [Yeimo's] legal advisor's demand. We rely on the medical examination results. If the doctor says three months, three months it is. Only after Yeimo is declared healthy, we will continue his detention," he said.

Victor Yeimo has been undergoing quarantine treatment since August 2021. His Discharge Letter dated August 21, 2021, follows the recommendation of the Jayapura Regional Hospital team doctor who stated that Yeimo should be hospitalized because his health was deteriorating.

"Yeimo's detention status stopped when he was taken to the hospital," said Talpatty.

Meanwhile, regarding the request of Victor Yeimo's lawyer for the panel of judges to transfer Yeimo's detention status from prison detention to house arrest, Talpatty said that it was the authority of the panel of judges.

However, Talpatty said it would only be decided after the panel of judges received a report from the public prosecutor based on the results of the doctor's examination.

Previously, Yeimo's lawyer, Emanuel Gobay, said that Yeimo would undergo six months of treatment starting October 5.

"It's true that [Victor Yeimo] has been taking medicine since October 5, for six months. This means he has to take medicine every day from October 2021 to March 2022," he said.

Gobay cited Minister of Health Regulation No. 67/2016 on Guidelines for the Treatment of Tuberculosis Patients, which states that tuberculosis patient care must have good air circulation and adequate sunlight.

"The patient himself is suggested [by the doctor] to practice a healthy lifestyle," he said.

Further, Gobay said that the regulation suggested local health agencies and related hospitals provided a special unit to treat tuberculosis patients. Therefore, he asked the Papua Health Agency and the Jayapura Regional Hospital to immediately assist Yeimo with a special place or unit for his treatment.

"We hope that both the prosecutors and hospitals comply with the regulation," said the director of the Papua Legal Aid Institute.

Source: https://en.jubi.co.id/court-waits-for-victor-yeimos-health-report-before-trial
