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'This is shameful': West Java Police hunts couple in hotel room porn clip

Coconuts Jakarta - March 18, 2021

The West Java Police say they're giving "special attention" to a viral porn clip depicting a couple having sex in a Bogor hotel.

The clip, which has circulated widely on social media recently, appears to be taken from a longer video originally uploaded to a renowned porn site by a verified user from Indonesia. The video shows a couple checking in to a hotel and getting intimate in their room, though their faces were obscured throughout.

It's apparent, police theorized, that the user has sought to benefit commercially by uploading their pornographic videos to the site.

"We are still developing this case. Hopefully all will be revealed, because this has warranted our special attention. That it happened in West Java, this is shameful," West Java Police spokesman Edri Adrimulan Chaniago said.

Edri added that police will also question the hotel, which is easily identifiable in the video, in order to determine the identity of the couple.

Disseminating pornography online is a serious crime in Indonesia thanks to the country's Law on Pornography and the Information and Electronic Transactions Act (UU ITE). Those convicted under the laws may be imprisoned for up to six years.

Occasionally, interpretations of the ambiguous laws do not discriminate whether pornographic content was intentionally uploaded or if it was private content that leaked online. A couple of incidents that fall into the latter category have led to some of the most high-profile porn cases in the country, most notably the conviction of rockstar Ariel and the more recent charges filed against singer Gisel, even though neither uploaded their videos themselves.

Source: https://coconuts.co/jakarta/news/this-is-shameful-west-java-police-hunts-couple-in-hotel-room-porn-clip
