Dicky Agung Prihanto, Jakarta – The Depok city Education Offices has issued a circular banning students from celebrating Valentine's Day, which falls on February 14.
In the circular, Depok Education Office head Mohammad Thamrin said the ban on celebrating Valentine's Day is aimed at developing a character and personality in students which is noble and proud. In addition to this, the ban is to safeguard students from activities which are not in accordance with existing norms.
"We prohibit the celebration of Valentine's Day because it is not in accordance with religious, social and Indonesian cultural norms", said Thamrin in Sunday February 14.
Thamrin revealed that the appeal and ban on celebrating Valentine's Day is contained in Education Office circular number 005/1686/II/Disdik/2021. The education office has also asked supervisors, school principals and teachers to conduct supervision and monitoring of students at each educational unit.
"We want students to cultivate an attitude and behaviour which conserves Indonesia's glorious values in the school environment", explained Thamrin.
Supporting Covid-19 restrictions
In addition to this, continued Thamrin, supervisors, school principals and teachers can take steps to curtail student activities so they do not celebrate Valentine's Day. In doing so they will support the government's Enforcement of Restrictions on Public Activities (PPKM) to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
"Student can be given tasks which promote Indonesia's cultural values and support the PPKM which is being applied by Depok city", said Thamrin in closing.
[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Disdik Kota Depok Larang Siswa Rayakan Hari Valentine".]
Source: https://www.liputan6.com/news/read/4482466/disdik-kota-depok-larang-siswa-rayakan-hari-valentin