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Three more people killed in tribal clashes in Timika

Jakarta Post - March 12, 2014

Nethy Dharma Somba, Jayapura – Three more people were killed in communal tribal clashes in Timika, the capital of Mimika regency in Papua, on Tuesday, raising the death toll to seven in the clashes which have taken place since March 4, 2014.

At least 36 other people were injured on Tuesday alone. They were parts of hundreds of people being wounded at the large-scale communal clashes which were sparked by the death of one of the local people.

Two of the three dead victims was believed to have been shot by security officers, when the police were trying to disperse the two groups of battling residents, Papua Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Pudjo Sulistio said in Jayapura on Tuesday evening.

The two dead victims were identified as Joen Wandegau and Ekpinus Togime. Their bodies laid at Mitra Masyarakat Hospital for post-mortem examinations, he said.

It was reported earlier that a group of residents conducted a burning ritual on Tuesday afternoon of the body of Kewen Jawane, who died in clashes in the previous morning.

Members of the Kewen group, angered over the death, then shot arrows in the direction of the other community, who gathered across the bridge. Later, others apparently stormed a post erected by the security personnel on the bridge, which separated the Moni and Dani tribes.

Security personnel dispersed the attacking people, using water cannon and tear gas. Officials said one security officer was injured when struck by an arrow. The law enforcement officers then used force to disperse the crowd.

Source: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2014/03/12/three-more-people-killed-tribal-clashes-timika.html
