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Pornography and violence still overshadow Indonesian children

Tempo Interactive - July 28, 2008

Dian Yuliastuti, Jakarta – The National Commission for Child Protection (NCCP) has stated that violence and pornography from the internet still overshadow Indonesian children.

The Head of NCCP called on everyone to help safeguard Indonesian children by providing healthy internet education in order to protect them from pornographic sites.

Parents should supervise internet usage and reduce children's dependence on online game, as well as monitor TV shows watched by children and their usage of cell phones. "Children can access internet sites without being filtered," he said last weekend.

Head of the Committee for Indonesian Children Day celebrations, Rahmat Sentika, said violence is still the dark side for Indonesian children.

Sexual harassment is still a potential threat to Indonesian children, particularly girls. According to newspaper report, there are 456 cases related to violence against children every year, including 361 cases that involving girls.

In general, violence is experienced by children between the ages of 5-12 and teenagers. There are 79 cases of girls being raped as well as 122 cases of indecency involving 75 girls and 47 boys.

"Violence is carried out did by people close to the children, like fathers, either natural fathers or step fathers," said Rahmat.

Other violence includes children being forced into marriage when they are only 15 because of strong local customs.

Data from 2006 stated that 182 out of 400 violence cases were about children being forced into prostitution.
