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Fat perks planned for governor raise eyebrows

Straits Times - December 21, 2002

Jakarta – The draft budget proposal for regular perks for high-profile Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso, who was recently in the public eye over allegations of corruption, is raising eyebrows.

In the draft Budget, which is expected to be passed into law on Jan 14, the city administration has proposed about 9.5 billion rupiah for his allowances, besides his monthly salary which is still to be determined.

Mr Sutiyoso's salary in the current year is 200 million rupiah per month, according to the Public Servants' Wealth Audit Commission.

His allowances next year include 350 million rupiah for maintenance of his official residence, 92 million rupiah for the residence's electricity bills, 90 million rupiah for his morning coffee and a clothing allowance of 65 million rupiah.

Other items are 100 million rupiah for health insurance, 90 million rupiah for newspapers and magazines, 51 million rupiah for car maintenance and 887.7 million rupiah for operational activities and the drafting of his speeches.

Many legislators were reluctant to comment on the issue, saying that they had not read the Budget draft yet.

But the chairman of the Justice Party faction at the city council, Mr Achmad Heriyawan, said such expenditures could be reduced if there was political will from all parties, including executives and councillors.

"Frankly speaking, I cannot comment on that issue as we have had no detailed explanation on the draft Budget. But I can say there is still a lack of political will on behalf of the city administration to cut spending," he said.
