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Age & Disability Rights

Displaying 1 - 50 of 69 Documents

August 6, 2024

Jakarta Post Editorial - August 6, 2024

Jakarta – Who is taking care of the elderly? Under the prevailing Indonesian cultural concept of extended family, it is a no brainer that their children and grandchildren are.

February 6, 2024

Jakarta Post - February 6, 2024

Radhiyya Indra, Jakarta – With just over a week left before the 2024 simultaneous elections, the government has highlighted its commitment to assisting thousands of people with mental d

January 22, 2024

Jakarta Globe - January 22, 2024

Celvin Moniaga Sipahutar, Jakarta – Special school buses for students with disabilities have officially started operating in Jakarta on Monday.

December 25, 2023

Straits Times - December 25, 2023

Linda Yulisman, Jakarta – For people with disabilities in Indonesia, most public places remain unfriendly with no tactile paving blocks on pavements, lifts at railway stations or ramps

December 22, 2023

Tabloid Jubi - December 22, 2023

Jayapura, Jubi – Roby Nyong, Chair of the Indonesian Disability Persons Association (PPDI) in Papua Province, raised concerns about the persistent challenges faced by people with disabi

December 6, 2022

Indonesia at Melbourne - December 6, 2022

Dina Afrianty – Last Saturday, 3 December, the world marked the International Day of People with Disability, an annual event designed to "increase public awareness, understanding and ac

November 7, 2022

Jakarta Post - November 7, 2022

Yohana Belinda, Jakarta – Non-inclusive public transportation excludes disabled Indonesians, forcing them into seclusion from social life and professional opportunities.

August 21, 2022

Jakarta Globe - August 21, 2022

Jakarta – Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini earlier this week submitted Indonesia's report on its implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

May 30, 2022

Tempo - May 30, 2022

Eka Yudha Saputra, Avit Hidayat, Jakarta – A total of 150 disability organizations were set to file a letter on Monday, May 30, 2022, demanding Finance Minister Sri Mulyani respect the

May 15, 2022

Channel News Asia - May 15, 2022

Nivell Rayda, Yogyakarta, Indonesia – As a person stricken with polio since he was a toddler, Triyono knows firsthand how hard it is for people with disabilities in Indonesia to travel

May 4, 2022

UCA News - May 4, 2022

Catholic-majority Timor-Leste has moved forward with the adoption of two international treaties aimed at ensuring the rights of disabled people.

December 4, 2021

Antara News - December 4, 2021

Anita Permata, Raka Adji, Jakarta – The National Commission on Anti-Violence against Women (Komnas Perempuan) has asked the Health Ministry to develop health facilities that are easily

December 3, 2021

Tempo - December 3, 2021

Cheta Nilawaty P., Jakarta – Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini or popularly known as Risma drew criticism from many people with disabilities after forcing a deaf child who is usin

December 2, 2021

Coconuts Jakarta - December 2, 2021

One may be forgiven for having little hope for the welfare of disabled people in Indonesia, after the country's social affairs minister – whose job it is to ensure their well-being – pr

December 4, 2020

The Conversation - December 4, 2020

Dina Afrianty, Mahalli and Slamet Thohari – Indonesia had made considerable progress in introducing policies that promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in public life in the

October 31, 2020

Jakarta Post - October 31, 2020

Arya Dipa, Bandung – The Bandung-based NGO Syamsi Dhuha Foundation (SDF) in West Java has launched a smart walking cane called BriCane for the visually impaired to help their mobility.

October 25, 2020

Jakarta Post - October 25, 2020

Alya Nurbaiti, Jakarta – President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has signed a government regulation that requires regional administrations to have a disability service unit (ULD) on manpower tha

October 21, 2020

Jakarta Post - October 21, 2020

Gemma Holliani Cahya, Jakarta – The COVID-19 health crisis has made it difficult for Indonesian women with disabilities to access help and support, local advocacy groups say, as a recen

October 12, 2020

Jakarta Post - October 12, 2020

Tri Indah Oktavianti, Jakarta – A coalition of disability rights activists and groups across the country raised their call on the government to repeal the newly passed Job Creation Law,

August 6, 2020

Jakarta Post - August 6, 2020

Ghina Ghaliya, Jakarta – A coalition of disability rights groups has turned to the Supreme Court to challenge a number of articles they deemed problematic under a presidential regulati

June 25, 2020

Jakarta Post - June 25, 2020

Budi Sutrisno, Jakarta – Disability rights organizations from across the country have signed a petition to urge President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo to revise a newly issued regulation on th

June 12, 2020

Jakarta Post - June 12, 2020

Gemma Holliani Cahya, Jakarta – "Sir/Ma'am, I'm deaf. I cannot read your lips because you're wearing a mask. I'm here to withdraw my money. Please write down what I need to do.

May 30, 2020

Jakarta Post - May 30, 2020

Jakarta – The Social Affairs Ministry hosted a virtual event to celebrate the 24th National Day for Elderly People on Friday.

April 26, 2020

Jakarta Post - April 26, 2020

Made Anthony Iswara, Jakarta – Pahala, 74, has to rely on his son, an angkot (public minivan) driver, to buy instant noodles or eggs to eat during the COVID-19 outbreak.

April 18, 2020

Jakarta Post - April 18, 2020

Ghina Ghaliya, Jakarta – Blind and visually impaired people in Greater Jakarta are vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic as they have yet to be included on the government's list of t

February 20, 2020

Indonesia at Melbourne - February 20, 2020

Deaf students are joining mainstream universities in greater numbers in Indonesia since a regulation was passed on accommodating special needs in higher education.

October 24, 2019

Jakarta Globe - October 24, 2019

Nur Yasmin, Jakarta – British Council Indonesia collaborated with London design studio Intoart and local brand CottonInk to put on a fashion show featuring designers and models with di

September 24, 2019

Jakarta Globe - September 24, 2019

Telly Nathalia, Jakarta – Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has thanked ride-hailing firm Grab Indonesia for its initiative to hire more disabled driver partners, especially th

August 5, 2019

Jakarta Globe - August 5, 2019

Heru Andriyanto & Nur Yasmin, Jakarta – The Presidential Staff Office announced on Monday the government has decided to reinstate Romi Syofpa Ismail, a wheelchair-bound dentist in

July 26, 2019

Jakarta Globe - July 26, 2019

Beritasatu Team & Nur Yasmin, Jakarta – South Solok district in West Sumatra has come under fire for disqualifying a dentist based on her disability, despite being in good health a

July 22, 2019

The Conversation - July 22, 2019

Dina Afrianty – Despite many controversies surrounding deliberation on the anti-sexual violence bill in Indonesia's parliament, people with disabilities welcome the new bill.

July 10, 2019

Jakarta Post - July 10, 2019

Syofiardi Bachyul Jb, Padang – A number of activists in Padang, West Sumatra, protested on Tuesday the removal of a dentist from the civil servant candidate list because she has a disa

March 4, 2019

Jakarta Post - March 4, 2019

Bambang Muryanto, Yogyakarta – Anggiasari Puji Aryatie, 39, carries a remarkable spirit as a triple-minority legislative candidate who has no political leverage or much money for her c

February 18, 2019

Jakarta Post - February 18, 2019

Ivany Atina Arbi, Jakarta – A Malaysian disability NGO has responded to a viral video posted by a wheelchaired man who was prohibited from entering a mosque in Padang, West Sumatra, be

January 23, 2019

Jakarta Post - January 23, 2019

Ivany Atina Arbi, Jakarta – A video of a disabled man being told to pray outside the West Sumatra Grand Mosque in Padang, West Sumatra, because his wheelchair was "not clean" sparked o

December 17, 2018

Dili Weekly - December 17, 2018

Paulina Quintao – The President for the Special Olympics, Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves, said people with disabilities, including intellectual, vision, and hearing, and with other phys

December 5, 2018

The Conversation - December 5, 2018

Rezanti Putri Pramana – In 2011, Indonesia ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

November 14, 2018

Coconuts Jakarta - November 14, 2018

As both the head of the influential Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and the running mate of President Joko Widodo in the 2019 election, Ma'ruf Amin is one of the most powerful people in

April 22, 2018

ABC News - April 22, 2018

Anne Barker – The isolated western Java village of Ciburuy has possibly one of the highest rates of albinism in Indonesia, and nobody seems to know why.

April 20, 2018

Coconuts Jakarta - April 20, 2018

Some sidewalks in Indonesia feature tactile paving strips designed to guide blind pedestrians, which is great, but it's clear that some designers are painfully oblivious as to their act

April 16, 2018

Dili Weekly - April 16, 2018

Paulina Quintao – The Ministry of Health (MoH) in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Solidarity (MSS) through the National Rehabilitation Centre (NRC) are discussing about the best

August 11, 2017

Jakarta Post - August 11, 2017

Bambang Muryanto, Yogyakarta – Ninety-five disability rights groups across Indonesia have rejected the government's plan to issue only one government regulation (PP) to enforce Law No.

March 22, 2016

Jakarta Post - March 22, 2016

Jakarta – The International Labor Organization (ILO) has called on the business sector to offer employment opportunities and equal treatment to people with disabilities following the passing of a l

December 3, 2015

Jakarta Post - December 3, 2015

Jakarta – Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Minister Yohana Susana Yembise has urged lawmakers to include articles mandating access to public facilities for disabled people as th

October 9, 2015

Jakarta Post - October 9, 2015

Jakarta – The government and lawmakers have eliminated almost half of the articles in a draft bill on people with disabilities, raising concerns that the bill will fail to address the needs of disa

September 5, 2015

Dili Weekly - September 5, 2015

Paulina Quintao – The President of the Executive Council of the Disability Association Timor Leste (DATL) Joaquim Freitas dos Santos urges the independent establishment of the National Council for

August 18, 2015

Jakarta Post - August 18, 2015

Jakarta – Flawed regulations have given rise to stigma and discrimination toward people with disabilities.

May 2, 2015

Jakarta Post - May 2, 2015

Jakarta – An advocacy group has criticized a House of Representatives' early draft of the disability bill, demanding a revision because of what it deems to be a discriminatory approach.

April 13, 2015

Jakarta Post - April 13, 2015

Haeril Halim, Jakarta – The National Coalition of People with Disabilities has called on the House of Representatives to revise the current draft of a bill on disabled persons before deliberations

December 15, 2014

Dili Weekly - December 15, 2014

Paulina Quintao – Member of Parliament Antoninho Bianco has criticized the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE) for its failure to ensure people in rural areas have