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Minister of industry says domestic component policy criticized by various countries

Tempo - December 5, 2024

M. Raihan Muzzaki, Martha Warta Silaban, Surabaya – The Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, stated that the Domestic Component Level or TKDN policy has received much criticism from various countries. Although he did not mention which country criticized it, he said such criticism is common for the Ministry of Industry.

"TKDN is a national policy. Regarding TKDN, it received a lot of criticism from other countries. So daily, what is faced by the Ministry of Industry is related to the TKDN policy," said Agus Gumiwang while attending the Industrial Festival event in the Embong Kaliasin area, Surabaya, on Wednesday, December 4, 2024.

According to him, the criticisms of his institution come from groups of countries that see Indonesia as a market. However, according to Agus Gumiwang, the TKDN policy is an effort to develop industries that are still underdeveloped in this country.

"Those criticisms usually come from those or groups of countries who usually only want, only intend to make Indonesia as a market," he said.

With this policy, Agus Gumiwang emphasized that it also protects the investors who invest capital in Indonesia. He said that as long as investors meet all TKDN requirements, they will benefit from that policy.

"As long as they (investors) invest in Indonesia, they will get TKDN value, their investment will get TKDN value," he said.

Regarding TKDN, Deputy Minister of Industry Faisol Reza said that his institution will soon issue new policies related to TKDN. He stated that this new policy will be made after the government decides to review the long-standing regulations on TKDN.

"Hopefully (it will be issued) in the not too distant future," said Faisol when met after the 100 Economists Sarasehan agenda in Jakarta on Tuesday, December 3, 2024.

Faisol said that the reassessment of this TKDN policy aims to strengthen the domestic industry. According to Faisol, several suggestions have been submitted to the Ministry of Industry to enhance the requirements for using local components from within the country. However, he mentioned that everything is still in the discussion stage up to this point.

"According to the feedback received, there needs to be an increase in domestic components. But everything is still under our review," he said.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1948967/minister-of-industry-says-domestic-component-policy-criticized-by-various-countrie
