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Slain West Sumatra officer was handling illegal mining case when he was shot

Jakarta Globe - November 22, 2024

Delfi Neski, Jakarta – Adjunct Commissioner Ryanto Ulil Anshar was shot to death by a fellow officer after his team arrested suspects in the ongoing investigation into alleged illegal mining activities in South Solok Regency, West Sumatra, early on Friday.

The shooter has been identified as Adjunct Commissioner Dadang Iskandar, the head of the operational unit of the South Solok District Police.

Ryanto was shot at the parking lot of the district police headquarters just after midnight on Friday, shortly after he received a phone call from Dadang asking about the arrest of illegal miners.

"When he arrived at the parking lot, the suspect, Dadang Iskandar, was waiting for him and shot him from behind," West Sumatra Police Chief Insp. Gen. Suharyono said at the Bhayangkara Provincial Police Hospital in Padang.

Officers at the interrogation room heard gunshots and found a motionless Ryanto with two visible wounds in his right temple and cheek, he added. They also saw Dadang fleeing the scene on an Isuzu D-Max SUV. The forensic unit found two 9-mm bullet cases at the scene.

Suharyono couldn't immediately confirm that an internal feud over the illegal mining case had triggered the shooting, saying the investigation is still ongoing.

Ryanto had served as the head of the criminal investigation unit of the South Solok Police.

Source: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/slain-west-sumatra-officer-was-handling-illegal-mining-case-when-he-was-sho
