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Walhi: No public participation in new capital development, unlike Jakarta

Tempo - August 16, 2024

Alif Ilham Fajriadi, Jakarta – The Jakarta Walhi (Indonesian Forum for Environment) said the development of Nusantara Capital City (IKN) seemed to disregard local communities' aspirations.

The Executive Director of Jakarta Walhi, Suci Fitria Tanjung, said the lack of dialogue opportunities between the government and local communities in North Penajam Paser could potentially harm the locals.

IKN development, she said, diverged from the creation of Jakarta as Indonesia's capital post-1945 Independence. At the time, Suci went on, then Jakarta Governor Ali Sadikin prioritized dialogue with local communities and their aspirations.

"Meaning, local participation in region development was present," Suci said during a press conference in Jakarta on Thursday, August 15, 2024. Thus, the people of Jakarta were more willing to hand over their land for capital city construction.

The government, however, did not invite local communities during IKN's policy-making which caused a possible rift between the East Kalimantan residents and IKN regulators.

In addition to public participation, Walhi's National Executive, Abdul Ghofar, said President Joko Widodo or Jokowi's high praise for IKN's air quality is equal to neglecting the air condition in Jakarta.

"Jokowi previously said the air in IKN was 'very fresh', unlike Jakarta, so moving to IKN was the right choice because Jakarta is unhabitable and so on," he said.

Jakarta currently faces air pollution and grave environmental issues, including land subsidence. Walhi reckoned that Jakarta's condition has always been used to justify moving the nation's capital. Meanwhile, Jokowi compared IKN's air quality with major Indonesian cities and even Singapore.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1904557/walhi-no-public-participation-in-new-capital-development-unlike-jakart
