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Densus 88 member arrested by military police for spying on the AGO's Jampidsus

Tempo - May 25, 2024

Rizki Dewi Ayu, Adil Al Hasan and Linda Trianita, Jakarta – A police officer from the Special Anti-Terrorist Unit or Densus 88 was arrested by military police for allegedly stalking a junior special crimes prosecutor (Jampidsus) from the Attorney General's Office (AGO), Febrie Adriansyah, during a dinner at a restaurant in Cipete, South Jakarta. The arrest took place at around 8 or 9 p.m. on Sunday last week.

Two people with knowledge of the incident said that Febrie often ate at the restaurant, which serves French cuisine. This time, Febri arrived with an aide and a military police patrol motorcycle.

The request for security was made by the Junior Attorney General for Military Crimes (Jampidmil) because Jampidsus was handling several major corruption cases. One of them is the Timah corruption case involving artist Sandra Dewi's husband, Harvey Moeis, and billionaire Helena Lim.

The arrest occurred when the military police guarding Febrie became suspicious of the presence of two people suspected of being members of Densus 88. They were known to have arrived shortly after Febrie arrived at the restaurant. The two were said to have arrived on foot, dressed in casual clothes and wearing masks.

While not far from Febrie's position, the two members of Densus 88 pointed what appeared to be a recording device toward the room where Febrie was. Knowing this, the military police guarding Febrie immediately rushed to grab a member of Densus 88 and take him out of the restaurant for interrogation.

Meanwhile, another member of Densus 88 who was also stalking Febrie escaped. Sources familiar with the incident said there was no commotion. "Maybe because we're both officers, we don't want to make a fuss," he said.

The source also said that apart from the two people who entered the restaurant, it turned out that several other people were seen watching Febrie Adriansyah from outside. According to two witnesses who were aware of the incident, several of them appeared to be at several points about 50 meters away from the restaurant.

Following the arrest, Febrie contacted the National Police Chief of Criminal Investigation Unit for an explanation. But the criminal police chief Com. Gen. Wahyu Widada claimed to know nothing and demanded that the Densus member be released. Febrie refused to release him.

Febrie also reported the incident to Attorney General ST Burhanuddin, who then called National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. After the conversation between the law enforcement officials, the Densus 88 members were picked up by Paminal. However, all the data on the Densus 88 member's cell phone was taken by the Jampidsus team. When asked for confirmation, Febrie did not respond.

The head of the Attorney General's Legal Information Center, Ketut Sumedana, was reluctant to comment on the incident. He claimed that he had no information about the incident. "I haven't received the information yet," Ketut said when contacted on Thursday, May 23, 2024.

Meanwhile, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has yet to issue a statement following the incident.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1872021/densus-88-member-arrested-by-military-police-for-spying-on-the-agos-jampidsu
