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Indonesia aims at three-fold increase in EV sales this year

Vietnam Plus - May 2, 2024

Jakarta – The Indonesian government has set a target for the sales of battery-based electric cars to reach 50,000 units in 2024.

Rachmat Kaimuddin, Deputy Minister for Infrastructure and Transportation Coordination at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs, has said the country is aiming for a three-fold increase in the sales of electric cars this year compared to last year.

Only 17,051 electric cars were sold in Indonesia in 2023, according to the Indonesian Automotive Manufacturers Association.

Various incentive programmes provided by the government for electric cars are still valid this year until the end of President Joko Widodo's administration.

Thereafter, the results of the electric vehicle (EV) incentive programmes will be evaluated to determine their continuation and be communicated to the next government.

Chairperson of the Indonesian Electric Vehicle Industry Association Moeldoko assessed that the government is optimistic about achieving the target this year, as several producers are already selling their products in Indonesia. Currently, there are 10 EV brands in the country compared to one to two several years ago.

He considered Presidential Regulation Number 79 of 2023 on the battery EV programme acceleration and other regulations as the government's concrete steps to speed up the growth of the domestic EV ecosystem.

Source: https://en.vietnamplus.vn/indonesia-aims-at-threefold-increase-in-ev-sales-this-year/285281.vn
