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Jokowi attends groundbreaking ceremony of Bank Indonesia office building in IKN

Tempo - November 6, 2023

Riani Sanusi Putri, Jakarta – The construction of Bank Indonesia's (BI) office building has begun in the new capital city Nusantara or IKN. IKN Authority chief Bambang Susantono and President Joko Widodo laid the first stone of the building in a groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday, November 2, 2023.

According to Jokowi, the start of the construction of the Bank Indonesia office complex shows the government's seriousness, commitment and readiness to build IKN as well as Indonesia's readiness to support sustainable economic growth in the new capital.

"The existence of the Bank Indonesia office building at IKN can increase the confidence of the public, business world and investors," he said in a written statement on Sunday, November 5.

The relocation of the central bank's office building is based on Law 3 of 2022 on the National Capital, and Presidential Regulation no. 63 of 2022 on the Details of the Master Plan for the Nusantara Capital City.

The IKN Authority stated that the architectural design of the BI's office building at IKN reflects the central bank's roles, philosophy and strategic values. The design also pays attention to aspects of harmony in unity by carrying out the concept of smart and green building. The government also claims that the construction of BI's office also takes into account local values, so that it is in line with the IKN development concept which applies the smart forest city ideas.

BI Governor Perry Warjiyo said that the office building will be built in three stages; aligned with the progress of IKN infrastructure's readiness. "The design and plans for the development stages not only use smart and green concepts, but are also completely digital to be in accordance with IKN," he said.

The IKN Authority and Bank Indonesia said they are confident that development can proceed according to targets, providing optimal benefits to the public, supported by the ongoing economic recovery and macroeconomic conditions that continue to strengthen.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1793162/jokowi-attends-groundbreaking-ceremony-of-bank-indonesia-office-building-in-ik
