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Wildfires set 489.07 hectares of Mount Merbabu ablaze, BNPB says

Tempo - October 30, 2023

Antara, Jakarta – The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) informed that the National Park of Mount Merbabu was set ablaze by wildfires until Sunday, October 29, 2023.

"According to the report by Operation Control Center of BNPB received at 08:12 a.m. WIB (Western Indonesia Time), 489.07 hectares of lands in the National Park of Mount Merbabu caught fire," said BNPB's Head of Data, Information, and Communication Center Abdul Muhari in a written statement on Sunday as quoted by Antara.

The fire started on Friday, October 27, 2023. The fire was first catching Sokowulu Village and Ngaduman Village in Getasan, Semarang Regency, while later spreading into Syarif Peak and Suwanting Peak in Sawangan, Magelang Regency area.

Meanwhile, a small-scale fire was detected in the Boyolali Regency areas. "The second savanna in Selo, Boyolali, is still safe so far," he said.

Around 91 residents in the surrounding area seek refuge in Batur Village Hall in Getasan, Semarang Regency. These refugees who came from Gedong Village amounted to 47 people while the rest came from Ngaduman Village.

"The others seek refuge in their families' homes [in other areas] while some decided to stay at home," Abdul Muhari explained.

Abdul Muhari also stated that his team is still trying to extinguish the fires, observing their movement, and implementing mitigation steps, as well as opening a public kitchen for displaced residents. Urgent supplies are needed for food logistics, mattresses, filtered masks, and portable oxygen.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1790205/wildfires-set-489-07-hectares-of-mount-merbabu-ablaze-bnpb-say
