Moh Khory Alfarizi, Antara, Jakarta – IKN Authority reported that there are currently 300 Letters of Intent from potential investors from both domestic and foreign private entities. "[From] approximately 20 countries," IKN Authority Head Bambang Susantono said at the IKN Authority Office in South Jakarta today.
From the potential 300, 23 of the investment has been realized, in addition to the 13 investors who will conduct a groundbreaking on November 1-2, 2023. The groundbreaking session will be directly headed by President Jokowi.
However, 300 is a rough number, Bambang said, since it will potentially become even bigger going forward. The reason for this is that investors usually will develop their projects further.
Meanwhile, the projects set for groundbreaking in several days include a hospital, schools, namely Jakarta International School which will be renamed Nusantara International School, and the transformed SD Negeri 20 Sepaku.
Properties will also be included in the upcoming groundbreaking session, including a hotel, namely the Marriot Hotel, a mall, and an apartment. Governmental offices are also included, such as Bank Indonesia, Social Health Insurance Administration Body, VVIP Airport, and an orangutan conservatory on an island. "For orang utan that cannot be released to the wild," he said.
PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono stated earlier that the development progress in IKN has surpassed 40 percent. "Where there were six buildings [in IKN], there are more than ten now. The percentage of development progress for each is different, but it all goes smoothly," he said on Wednesday in Yogyakarta.