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Erick Thohir, Tempo agree to settle podcast dispute under Press Council mediation

Tempo - July 18, 2023

Eka Yudha Saputra, Jakarta – State-Owned Enterprises or SOE Minister Erick Thohir and media company PT Tempo Inti Media Tbk agreed to settle the dispute over Tempo's podcast 'Bocor Alus Politik'. The two reached the settlement in mediation by Press Council which lasted five hours on Monday, July 17, 2023.

Press Council chairperson Ninik Rahayu appreciated Erick as the complainant and Tempo as the complainee for agreeing to end the dispute. Tempo, she added, would provide space for Erick to relay an explanation related to the publication.

"The complainant will be given space to explain what needs to be clarified, confirmed, or added to the podcast," Ninik said when met after mediation on Monday.

Ninik also said the Press Council was pleased about this settlement as it resulted in an agreement so that the dispute would not be prolonged. According to the agreement, she explained, Tempo would offer Erick Thohir the right to reply to explain what is reported through the podcast.

"The agreement lasts 10 days at the most," Ninik talked of the deadline for fulfilling the deal. Any delay will be depended on the two parties.

On July 13, Minister Erick reported Tempo's podcast 'Bocor Alus Politik' titled "Manuver Erick Thohir Lewat PSSI dan BUMN yang Tak Disukai PDIP" (Erick Thohir's Maneuver Through PSSI and SOE Disliked by PDIP) to Press Council. The podcast is published on Tempo's YouTube channel Tempodotco and a number of its social media accounts, including the podcast platform Spotify.

A spokesperson for the SOE Minister, Nezar Patria, stated that Erick Thohir considered the podcast highly detrimental to him given that most of the content does not meet the principles of journalistic work and the Journalistic Code of Ethics.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1749207/erick-thohir-tempo-agree-to-settle-podcast-dispute-under-press-council-mediatio
