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Former Central Bangka regent nabbed over corruption charges

Tempo - April 14, 2023

Servio Maranda, Jakarta – The Bangka Belitung Islands High Prosecutor's Office has detained former Central Bangka Regent Yulianto Satin who is suspected to be involved in a corruption case.

Bangka Belitung Prosecutor's Office spokesperson Basuki Rahardjo said Satin is believed to commit corruption of capital loan funds from the government to assist sweet potato farmers at PT Bangka Belitung Sharia People's Financing Bank (BPRS) Muntok Branch in 2017.

"We are holding the individual at the Class IIA State Penitentiary (LAPAS) in Pangkalpinang City for 20 days from April 13, to May 2, 2023," Basuki told reporters on Thursday afternoon, April 13. The state has projected losses of just over Rp7 billion due to his crime.728-90-copy-1-Majalah

The former Regent was immediately taken into custody after investigators managed to gather enough evidence to incriminate the Central Bangka Regent. Law enforcement officers also fear the suspect would flee the country.

Yulianto Satin now faces charges that include violation of Article 2 (1) of Law No. 31/1999 on the eradication of corruption.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1714993/former-central-bangka-regent-nabbed-over-corruption-charge
