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Semarang flood recedes, train route to northern Java returns to normal

Tempo - January 2, 2023

Antara, Imaji Lasahido, Purwokerto – The flood on several roads in the Semarang area and its surroundings began to recede and the train routes to the northern Java area gradually returned to normal.

"Based on the information we received, the roadblocks caused by floods in the PT KAI operation area 4 of Semarang, at 05:00, can now be accessed by trains," said the Public Relations Manager of state railway operator PT Kereta Api Indonesia at Operation Area 5 of Purwokerto, Krisbiyantoro, on Monday, January 2, 2023.

Currently, there will be no more train route diversion from the northern to the southern route or Purwokerto. However, earlier in the morning, several trains tried to cross the northern Java route and then were forced to make a detour to Purwokerto.

Krisbiyantoro explained that his office must carry out transfer (overstappen) of train passengers who were supposed to get off at several stations.

"Overstappen is performed by transferring train passengers to a different transportation such as a bus to travel to certain cities," he said.

He apologized to passengers for the disruption during their travel and for the services of PT KAI due to the flood in Semarang.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1674810/semarang-flood-recedes-train-route-to-northern-java-returns-to-norma
