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Thousands of workers protest against Job Creation Law

Tempo - January 14, 2022

Antara, Jakarta – The Confederation of Indonesian Workers Trade Union (KSPI) president Said Iqbal on Friday declared thousands of laborers, farmers, fishermen, migrant workers, and domestic workers will rally demanding House of Representatives (DPR) to repeal the Omnibus Job Creation Law (UU Cipta Kerja).

"Thousands from across the Greater Jakarta Area will arrive at the House to reject the Omnibus Law. Thousands of people will also conduct similar acts across 30 provinces," Iqbal said on Friday, January 14, Antaranews reported.

The Confederation of Indonesian Labor Unions (KPBI) chairperson Ilhamsyah predicts around 10,000 people will be present in the rally where union workers' groups will join forces together. "They will come from the KSPI, KPBI, KSPSI, Indonesian Farmers Union, Jala PRT, and a plethora of others," he said.

The rally will be focused outside the DPR and MPR complex located in Tanah Abang in Central Jakarta at 10:00 Western Indonesia Time (WIB) and focus on pressuring the government to obey the Constitutional Court (MK) verdict that found Law No. 11/2020 on Job Creation to be unconstitutional.

The Job Creation Law is deemed to clash with the 1945 Constitution (UUD) and is not legally binding. The MK ordered the House and government to fix the law within the next two years.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1549847/thousands-of-workers-protest-against-job-creation-la
