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Pedestrian coalition: Hard to follow physical distancing rules

Tempo - June 9, 2020

Lani Diana Wijaya, Jakarta – Head of the pedestrian's coalition 'Koalisi Pejalan Kaki' Alfred Sitorus on Monday argues that pedestrians of the capital city will probably not abide by physical distancing protocols, even though it is put forth during the PSBB transition phase.

He thinks that existing sidewalks do not support Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan's policies that asks to prefer cyclists and pedestrians.

"People would be walking just as they had done prior to the pandemic. They wouldn't care to abide by physical distancing measures since the available space itself is insufficient," said Alfred on Monday.

He said that not all sidewalks are as wide as those located in Jakarta's main streets such as the Sudirman-Thamrin sidewalks. Sidewalks within the range of crowded places such as the Cikini Station, Manggarai, and Gondangdia Stations are no wider than 1-meter.

Meanwhile, the volume of train passengers is expected to climb exponentially due to the social and economic activities that are reopened post social-restriction measures. Alfred also noted the long queue of Transjakarta passengers after the social-restriction was lifted by the Jakarta administration.

Previously, Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan had encouraged cyclists and pedestrians to be prioritized during the city's transition away from COVID-19 social restrictions.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1351451/pedestrian-coalition-hard-to-follow-physical-distancing-rules
