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Bappenas dissects the quality of Indonesian and Vietnamese labors

Tempo - July 23, 2019

Jakarta (Bisnis) – The National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Minister Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro recently talked about the eminence of Vietnamese labors compared to Indonesian labors, which he argues was not gained instantly by Vietnam.

Bambang acknowledged that intensive training provided by Vietnamese businesses have successfully boosted the improvement and productivity of its workers. He then said that this should not be a surprise to see Indonesia's neighboring country improve its quality exponentially.

"Many companies in Vietnam provide training for its workers compared to businesses in Indonesia," said Bambang at the Assembly Hall JCC on Monday, July 22.

He argues that Indonesia can play catch up as long as the manpower's capacity is also improved, which he says may able to boost the economy to break free from the middle-income trap.

Center of Reform on Economics (CORE) Indonesia Executive Director Hendri Saparini explained that there are fundamental differences in how Indonesia and Vietnam govern, especially those related to development planning.

"The role of Vietnam's government is significant. Their planning goes into details and is consistent," said Hendri Saparini.

Vietnam's consistency is evident in its attempt to put forth the manufacturing and tourism industry as their economic backbone; two sectors that do not need to prioritize infrastructures, unlike Indonesia.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1227649/bappenas-dissects-the-quality-of-indonesian-and-vietnamese-labors
