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Prabowo meets interfaith leaders, talks about diversity

Tempo - October 30, 2018

Budiarti Utami Putri, Jakarta – Prabowo Subianto, the presidential candidate number 02, met with a number of religious leaders at Asshodiqiah Islamic Boarding School, Kaliwage, Semarang, Central Java, on Monday, October 29.

"I express my gratitude for the willingness of the leaders of the Asshodiqiah Islamic Boarding School, Bapak KH Shodiq Hamzah, along with other religious leaders in welcoming me and the group. There are also Indonesian pastors and Christian forums, here," Prabowo said on Monday, 29 October.

Shodiq Hamzah was said as the party who invited the pastors and representatives of Indonesian Christians in Semarang. Prabowo considered that Shodiq Hamzah's decision was very worthy of appreciation.

"I am happy, this is the embodiment of Islam rahmatan lil alamin (mercy to all creation). Pak Kiai invited the pastors to meet here, this is very good and to realize that we are a harmonious society," he said.

Prabowo asked all religious leaders, youth, and people who attended the event to maintain harmony and diversity among religious believers.

"Do not be easily provoked by people who want to divide us, we must guard our nation and state from disintegration and destruction. We must guard this republic with calm and peace," Prabowo said.

Source: http://en.tempo.co/read/news/2018/10/30/055922978/Prabowo-Meets-Interfaith-Leaders-Talks-About-Diversity
