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Students' movement held silent protest remembering 'Paniai Berdarah'

Tabloid JUBI - December 11, 2017

Jayapura, Jubi – Commemorates the Bloody Paniai tragedy on December 8, 2014, four students and youth organizations: Papuan Youth and Student Movement (GEMPAR), Student Independent Forum (FIM), West Papua Student and Youth Solidarity (Sonamappa) and Papuan Student Alliance (AMP), staged a silent action by walking from Perumnas III Waena to Imbi Jayapura City, on Friday (December 8),in Jayapura.

Representative of Gempar Papua, Nelius Wenda, said that the case should not be forgotten, and that their movement is part of "refuse to forget" movement. Therefore, the action continues to be done as a sense of grief. "We commemorate it by doing silent action and walking," he said.

He continued, the people of Papua are still grieving as perceived by the families of the victims. "Today the judicial process to unveil the perpetrators, has not worked, and even the promise of Indonesian President on Christmas 2014 in Mandala field is not well realized," he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman I of Sonamappa, Pilipus Robaha, said the action they held is aimed for those in office to not forget the case.

"We want the legislators, law enforcement agencies in Papua, not to forget the Paniai case it is a very heartbreaking for Papuans, since it happens when Papuans are preparing themselves to welcome Christmas. "

FIM Secretary General, Alex Mujijau, demand for more democratic space for Papuans. "Let us deliver the cases of human rights violations to be known internationally," he said.(*)

Source: http://tabloidjubi.com/eng/students-movement-held-silent-protest-remembering-paniai-berdarah/
