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Police urged to arrest alleged shooter of Papuan advocate Yan Christian Warinussy

Jubi Papua - January 9, 2025

Theo Kelen, Jayapura – The Papua representative office of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) is urging the Manokwari Municipal Police (Polresta) to immediately arrest OU, the alleged perpetrators of the shooting of senior advocate and human rights defender Yan Christian Warinussy in Manokwari regency, West Papua, on July 17 last year.

The call was conveyed by the Komnas HAM Papua Chairperson Frits Ramandey in Jayapura city, Papua province, on Thursday January 9.

"The West Papua Regional Police Chief together with the West Papua Regional Police General Crimes Detectives Directorate and the Manokwari city Municipal Polie Chief (must) immediately arrest the person concerned (the suspected perpetrator of the shooting)", said Ramandey.

Ramandey said that the Warinussy's shooting occurred six months ago, but OU, who is suspected to be the perpetrator, has still not yet been arrested by the police. Ramandey said that the Manokwari Municipal Police or the West Papua Regional Police must arrest OU and pursue a legal process against them.

"I (think) it's been too long, so it should not be material (for a debate) that's too long. Seven months is too long a time for the police to arrest the perpetrator. Now (the ball) is in the police's court, when will they commit to arresting the perpetrator, just that", Ramandey said by phone.

Ramandey said that the police already have sufficient circumstantial evidence, sufficient witnesses and material evidence to arrest the perpetrator. Ramandey said that if the case is not solved, then this omission will have implications for the work of human rights defenders in the land of Papua.

"(If this shooting case is not solved), it will become a bad precedent for human rights activists in Papua. The police already have the identity of (the suspected perpetrator), and the evidence is clear. The police (must) endeavour to arrest the perpetrator", he said.

Ramandey is asking all parties to support the police in immediately arresting the alleged perpetrator. "I am sure the police also want to maintain the pride of the police. We are providing support (to) the police to arrest the perpetrator", he said.

Warinussy himself says that he is surprised that the police have not yet arrested the alleged perpetrator of his shooting. According to Warinussy, with the resources they possess, the police should be able to work faster to arrest them.

"Actually, I'm very surprised by their (the police's) [poor] capacity at the moment. They have been equipped with detection and communication tapping devices that I think can help in their duties. (With the slow handling of cases) like this, my faith in the police has actually declined", Warinussy said on Thursday.

Warinussy is asking the police to arrest the suspected perpetrator who lives in the Arfak Mountains regency, West Papua. He said that police investigators already have sufficient evidence to prosecute the case.

"A number, two of my daughters along with my daughter's cousin, my private driver, the owner of the car rental has already given official statements to the investigators. My shirt and under-shirt that I was wearing are already in the hands of investigators. Other evidence such as the car allegedly used by the perpetrator has been secured at the Manokwari Polresta Headquarters, together with the material evidence of the bullet projectile which is also in the hands of investigators", said Warinussy.

Manokwari Municipal Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head Deputy Police Commissioner Raja Napitupulu has said that the initials of Warinussy's alleged shooter are OU and that they are suspected of residing in Arfak Mountains regency, West Papua.

Napitupulu said that police have already visited the alleged perpetrator's house. "With the alleged perpetrator, we already know who they are. We've already been to the suspected perpetrator's home in Arfak Mountains regency", he told Jubi in a WhatsApp message on Wednesday January 8.

Napitupulu said that police are continuing to pursue the case and that they are currently trying to catch the perpetrator. However he did not explain the reasons why the police have still not made an arrest

"We are conducting police efforts, where the case is still ongoing. Our current endeavour is an attempt to catch the alleged perpetrator", he said.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Polisi Didesak Segera Tangkap Terduga Pelaku Penembakan Yan Christian Warinussy".]

Source: https://jubi.id/polhukam/2025/polisi-didesak-segera-tangkap-terduga-pelaku-penembakan-yan-christian-warinussy
