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Rights commission says shooting of 2 civilians in Papua human rights violation

Tempo - December 24, 2024

Ervana Trikarinaputri, Jakarta – The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has stated that the shooting of two civilians by para-military police Mobile Brigade (Brimob) officers in Dekai, Yahukimo regency, last August, was a human rights violation.

This conclusion was reached after Komnas HAM investigated the incident after it received public complaints. "The rights that were violated were the right to life and the right to justice", said Komnas HAM Chairperson Atnike Nova Sigiro in a written statement on Tuesday December 24.

Komnas HAM, said Sigiro, conducted monitoring and investigations in Jayapura city, Jayapura regency, Papua province, and in Dekai, Yahukimo regency, Papua Highlands province from 22 to 27 September. During the investigation, Komnas HAM has also coordinated and requested information from the Papua Regional Police (Polda) chief, the Yahukimo District Police chief, religious leaders and local community leaders.

The shooting incident occurred in front of the Yahukimo District Police Headquarters in Papua Highlands province on Tuesday August 20. Tobias Silak, a 21-year-old man was killed and Naro Dapla, a 17-year-old young man was injured.

Silak died of a gunshot wound to the head and left temple while Dapla suffered a gunshot wound to the right arm and the right thigh. Both victims were indigenous Papuans from Yahukimo regency.

Komnas HAM is asking National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to pay serious attention to the incident. There are at least three Komnas HAM recommendations made to the police chief in letter number 1053/PM.00/R/XI/2024 dated December 16, 2024.

"[Asking] the national police chief to carry out objective and transparent law enforcement that is both ethical and disciplined, as well as criminal", said Sigiro.

Komnas HAM is also recommending that Prabowo establish dialog and communication with the families of the victims and the people of Yahukimo regency and that the police need to explain the stages of the current legal process.

In addition to this, Komnas HAM believes that the national police chief needs to apply an approach involving a social and cultural introduction for all police units that are to serve in Papua, especially Yahukimo regency.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Komnas HAM: Penembakan Dua Warga Sipil di Yahukimo adalah Pelanggaran HAM".]

Source: https://www.tempo.co/hukum/komnas-ham-penembakan-dua-warga-sipil-di-yahukimo-adalah-pelanggaran-ham-118564
