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Mobile app 'Halo Polisi' allows public to make reports from their smartphones

Jakarta Globe - April 25, 2017

Jakarta – Police in Depok, West Java, have launched a mobile app called "Halo Polisi," which will allow residents to make reports to the police from their phones. The app is part of a pilot project which will also be launched in other regions soon.

Halo Polisi looks and functions much like popular mobile social media apps Facebook or Path, with which users can share information in real time.

The app also includes dedicated tabs for community and discussion forums, which users will have to subscribe to. Previously, Halo Polisi was only available as a hotline number.

"Reports from users can be open or private. Open reports will be visible to other users. But private reports – when users choose to remain anonymous – can only be read by our command center," Depok Police Human Resources Head Firdaus said on Monday (24/04), as quoted by Beritasatu.

Users will be able to report any incident from crimes to traffic jams. All reports will be followed up by Depok Police.

The app also features a "Panic Button" which can be used to report emergency situations. A team from Depok Police will be dispatched to location immediately after the Panic Button is pushed.Halo Polisi will have its official launch on April 28. But meanwhile it has already been used by thirteen thousand subscribers, and is available for download on Android and iOS phones.

Halo Polisi can also be accessed downloaded and accessed from its official website http://halopolisi.id.

Source: http://jakartaglobe.id/news/mobile-app-halo-polisi-allows-public-make-reports-smartphones/
